Murraya Paniculata Leaf Drop

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)


I live in Z7 and am growing this in a clay pot. I bought it 1 month ago and it was inside for almost 2 weeks before it went outside. It was outside for 1 week and was fine. The temps have been in the low 50s at night and near 80 during the days. I potted up into a clay pot, not more than 2 sizes larger than the pot it came in. It was fine even after potting up. Almost 1 week ago, the tree started to drop leaves. I watered it last Monday and fed it with Miracid and it's still dropping leaves. The leaves look fine, no yellowing or mottling. I must be doing something wrong, but I just don't know what it is. Any care suggestions or problem-solving tips? TIA


Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Perhaps not enough humidity is the problem. Get a 2" deep drip tray and fill with pebbles. Add water and set the plant on it. Make sure the bottom of the pot isn't touching the water. Also, could be that the roots have become grown around each other, and there are no 'feeder' roots to take up water - pop it out of its pot and check the roots. If they are wound into a tight ball, take a scissors and clip one side of the root ball. Don't go near the center, however - that's where the tap root is.

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