Starting African Violets from leaves rooted in water

West Portsmouth, OH(Zone 6a)

My neighbor rooted several leaves in water and wanted me to ask how he should plant them now. I've never done this. I think I asked this yesterday, but I can't find this topic today. I wasn't sure to tell him how to do this. How deep should he plant them? Thanks, Jan

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

there's the thread!

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

HI :))
I fount this posting and was wondering how your friends Av's are doing ? Also how are your plants doing ! Allison

West Portsmouth, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, Gary's are blooming already! He has a real knack with plants. I didn't try starting any. Critterologist traded me some live AV's for some live columbine. My AV's are doing great so far, but aren't blooming yet. I've had them about a month now. My sister found a sale at WalMart last week and bought me an AV for $.50 and it was huge! It is even in full bloom. I have a houseful now. It's easy to get hooked. Jan

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Thanks Jan !
Happy to see your neighbors Av's doing well and yours also "))
African violets are Addicted. Other plants two.
I'm waiting on a box of Av's and I sent off two cutting one of my yellow blooming Plumeria and one of my red Plumeria . And a cutting of one of my Begonias :))
African violets are addictive for sure and I like all other flowers and plants too !
Nice to see you ! Allison

West Portsmouth, OH(Zone 6a)

I had some absolutely huge Arrowhead plants that were growing from a start of my Grandmama's plant (she died in 1963). I didn't know that every part of this plant was poisonous. A friend of ours that runs a nursery told me that plants the size of mine would cost nearly $100 if I'd had to buy them this size. I had to give them away because I babysit my little grandkids. The smallest one still might grab a leaf and try to eat it and the plants are just too heavy to move now, and there's no place else in the house to put them. It just broke my heart because I had grown these things for years and years and they were from my Grandmama's original plant. My Mother-In-Law has one, though, so it'll be mine again one day.

I love all kinds of other stuff, too. I have 3 orchids and I know they are addictive, too! Mine bloomed out this summer and haven't booomed again, but I'm not really familiar with them yet, so I don't know if they should have bloomed again by now or not. But, they'll be worth the wait, too.

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