Help with broccoli

newport, United Kingdom

Hi there !

I need some help with broccoli that I have planted for the first time, I grew them from seed in a greenhouse then transplanted them into the veg bed. They all seem to be falling over, they are about 8 weeks old, the stem sort of comes out of the ground horizontal and then bends up. I tried pushing them a little further into the earth but they still seem to be falling over. I also have some turnips growing from seed, they look great except the same issue as the broccoli ?

Is this a issue with not enough sun ?>

many thanks for any advice


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

did you harden the seedlings off before putting them into the ground? (you know, putting them outside a few hours a day to toughen them up, are the stems leggy? ot enough sunshine maybe? I have trouble growing brocolli from seed, always leggy, but I always have better luck sowing the brocolli seed directly into the soil than starting them in thegreenhouse.

hopefully someone will come along and help you further or better than I can.

farmerdill is a great one for knowing the garden.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Most likely not enough sun or too much heat. I start broccoli in a cold frame, which gives nice stocky plants. I also have to get them in the ground by April 1 as they will not tolerate heat. Not sure where you are, but broccoli is not a warm weather crop.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

The Farmer is right they do not like heat and grown fast as plugs they dont make good stockey stems far better to plant them to soon rather than waiting as they will take cool temps and mild frost without a problem. They need a lot of good light but not a lot of sun like tomatoes.

Thumbnail by eweed
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

wow that's a beautiful picture

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