star jasmine problem

Hudson, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi. I'm Terry and I live about 25 miles North of Tampa, Fla in area 9b-10a. My problem is that my Star Jasmine growing in an afternoon sun area has brown tipped leaves. Does anyone know why my Jasmine is sad?

N., CA(Zone 9a)

Terry, I'm sorry I dont have an answer for you, but I'm hoping someone does. I too have a star jasmine that is sad. Mine has brown tipped leaves and is very droopy all over. However, mine is in morning sun/afternoon shade. I have been searching the forums for an answer. If we join together, hopefully we can come up with something!

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Usually brown tipped leaves are a symptom of salt build-up. This can be from fertilize salt build-up or from the water you are using or if you are close to the ocean, salt spray. Flush it with clear water(we get bottled water from a machine 5 gallons for 50 cents if you bring your own container)
It could also be that the plant has been kept too dry.

Inverness, FL(Zone 9a)

Mine dropped all it's flowers and some of the leaves were getting brown tips. My moisture meter showed it was plenty moist so I stopped watering it. It is in a 24" container and drains well. Within a week of no water new blooms started appearing and no new brown tips. I have not watered it in 3 weeks and it just keeps pumping out flowers and growing. The moisture meter shows it is now dry but it is doing a lot better dry than it did with regular watering. I've got three bogeys that act the same way. They like to be dried out. They are all in big 24" foam type containers that get full sun. Your milage may vary!

Terri - I'm about 25 miles north of you in Inverness. Ed

Hudson, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks for the info. I never would have thought it was a over watering problem, so I'd increased the watering. I'll try letting it dry out and check its new leaves.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Ed, you must have had that pot soaking wet!

Inverness, FL(Zone 9a)

Calalily - I was watering it every other day. I guess the foam pots insulate well so they retain more moisture. They are planted in Jungle Growth which seems to drain really well. The moisture meter, stuck all the way down, never showed more than the middle of the moist range. (except right after watering). Everything got watered well last night. We picked up 4.5" of rain on my guage. And we are supposed to see more of the same today.

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