Who are my new tenants???

Joseph, OR(Zone 5a)

You'll have to forgive me, as my camera has a poor macro and I can't snap a shot. I have hundreds of these tiny little bugs, they look like very small flies. This is my first year in gardening, so my terminology maybe off! They are crawling all over the mulch by my tomatoes. I don't seem to see any of the tomatoes themselves, but have seen plenty of the marigolds nearby. They have wings, but I never see them fly. Any ideas? I am going to look around for a picture too.....


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Try this site.... they have lots of flies...


What color are they? Are you sure they aren't aphids? (ducking if necessary)

What predators are nearby, that could be a clue, if you know what is eating them... or what they are eating LOL...

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

If they are mostly on your mulch, my guess is fungus gnats. They will fly when disturbed, but generally just crawl around. If you're organic try a mild vinegar and water spray on the soil.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Oh, now I didn't know that would work! Thanks dovey. Does that mean the gnats carry and spread fungus? If so, wouldn't a chamomile tea be good on the plants?

J be sure you don't spray that on the plants, K?

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

I don't know which comes first the chicken or the egg.
I assumed the gnats were drawn to the moist mulch because of fungus and that the vinegar distroyed the fungus they were after...
Maybe not, I never thought about it the other way around.
The problem kicks up every now and then on my house plants and the spray clears it right up.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Well, guess like the chicken, it doesn't matter who the cause or effect is, as long as the solution takes care of them both! I had always used the chamomile tea spray, but will try the vinegar next time. Hope it takes care of stvnickfans problem too!

Joseph, OR(Zone 5a)

I've been shooting them up with Safer Organic Soap Spray. No luck, I am taking them into the Nursery today for a positive ID. I will report back.

However, I have no damage as far as I can see from the gnats.


Joseph, OR(Zone 5a)

Fungus Gnats. I couldn't find any product that said organic. Is Neem Oil organic, with 30% inert ingredients!?!??! The lady at the nursery said they are harmless, even with mu colony of about 1000 gnats.......


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i almost bought some neem oil the other day. It is so tempting when you are battling the bugs. But from the precautions I read about runoff and safety hazards, I would say it is NOT organic...

I would smash the darn things, or spray them with a hose to drown them (works with aphids). They mnust be called fungus gnats for some reason, and I wouldn't want to wait to see why =)

Also, try tomato leaf spray. I think I posted the recipe somewhere in another forum. Did you try vinegar?

Sorry for your bug troubles, but it happens, and we learn, and then it gets better. I learned the hard way not to fight against them with chemicals, as nobody wins...

Joseph, OR(Zone 5a)

If you know where that Tomato spray recipe is, I would love to see it Tamara. I won't drown em as they are most active after a good watering, I think this is what helps to hatch the eggs?

Hopefully they will be no trouble.......

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Well, i sprayed yesterday, and we had an un-forecasted shower (stil raining). If I come across it in tmy watched thread, I'll put a link here. If not, I will get back to you later with the recipe.... meanwhile, save your tomato leaves!

Here is the link, from the organic forum...


And in there is a link to a site with other organic homemade spray recipes!

Good luck J!

This message was edited Jun 3, 2005 3:22 PM

Joseph, OR(Zone 5a)

Thank you Tamara,
Interesting stuff! I have bookmarked that thread, along with about a 1000 others LOL! It is POURING here too! Can't believe it! If I had the soil I had last year, I would have a pool in my yard!


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Lets not talk about floods. 2 1/2 inches from 11 AM till 4 PM. About half an inch before that, but my son dumped the rain guage LOL I won't confess how long my "favorites" list is, but I am sure glad it is alphabetical or I couldn't find anything!

More info for your about fungus gnats...

"Knock-Out Gnats"

only from Gardens Alive www.gardensalive.com
when I ordered row covers from them, I got $25 FREE, and this stuff is only 19.95, so you could get it free, just pay shipping. A strain of Bt, so it is organic. Their info says that fungus gnats lay larvae in your peat moss or potting media, which feed on the roots and cause plants to wilt! Apply 3 times a week. Good luck...

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