Clematis wilt?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Some of my double white clematis is wilting and I cut it off. does this mean that eventually it will all go? anything I can put .on it? I think it is Duchess of Edinburgh

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Levilyla,

My Duchess does the same thing and I think, tonight, I (unfortunately for me) got it in a photo so take a look and see if yours looked the same and please let me know. Mine does this every year!


*The thumbnails are too tiny to pinpoint it so I'll go back to my photo program, find out which one it was and then send it to you.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Here's my Duchess looking more like the Before of Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady than any Duchess!

They're the dead looking flowers hanging from the Crape Myrtle on the right about half way down the photo: the ones that make you say YUK when you see them.

Kim sent me the secret perennial trade package of a lifetime. I was planting them today. Cherry Bells was identified by Kim but then there's the adorable mini hosta and the other one. Venusta is one of them: which one? Do you have a name for the one that isn't Venusta?

Please let me know if we have similar looking Duchesses. I'm cutting the flowers off - we'll be on the Garden Tour 7/9 and I don't want people thinking I'm trying to kill it!


Thumbnail by pirl
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Mine did look like that but all over eventually (notice I said DID)..because I cut it to the ground so I would not have to look at it. I doubt it will come back...only left about two inches of stem! Sorry..... if it is going to behave like that I will find something else...there are too many other nice ones I want to try. I am afraid I can't tell you what the name of the little yellow groundcover hosta is. It was given to me by a friend who did not know which one it was either. It makes a nice ground cover in a short period of time and stays small...lavender flowers now and if you cut them back they may bloom a little again. BTW I hear you have quite a garden (27?) did I hear? WOW...I'm impressed! Thanks for your info.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

My clematis has starting growing again and it is about 6 inches tall and looking very healthy!

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