Dicentra Luxuriant

Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

I planted some of these last year, and they seem to have spread a bit further than I would have expected... I have a two level garden section, and I planted two in the top part and one in the bottom. Now I have one in the top (guess I lost one) and 4 in the bottom, fairly spread out as if they spread by runners. I dug one up to move it and it seemed to be on a runner. This is not what I was expecting, and with the other things I have planted, not really what I wanted to happen.

I had an additional one in a different section that is behaving as expected - it is a larger clump, but no runners.

Which is the more common behavior? Should I pull them out now before they take over? They are still pretty small, but I am surprised by this. Should I be?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I thought they were spreading by seeds in some magical way. I hope we're both talking about the Bleeding Heart that goes on blooming into November here. I love the ferny look to it and how easy it is to lift a baby and move it to enhance another garden. I have no idea where I got it but I love it.

Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

Yup, that's the one. I loved them so much that I bought 4, and now it looks like I could have easily gotten by with one... :-)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I've never seen that dicentra behave quite like that. I love the idea of using as a groundcover though. I don't think I'd worry yet about it taking over, but I'd make sure it does'nt crowd any newly planted babies. Keep us posted-I'm curious. Neal

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Zarebeth: your comment reminds me of some daylily plants I bought - Little Wart. Loved it so much I bought six. Must have given away 600 of them by now and still have far too many. In trades I give 30 at a time but they just keep on coming.

Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

Pictures to follow later this summer! I have it planted with Poker Primrose and mini-hostas right now. Not sure what else am going to put in there yet.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Zarebeth: I had to have my poker primrose replaced because they all died even though I planted them in good soil, lots of sun, as soon as I received them.

Any ideas on what I did wrong? They did send me three new ones so I don't want to put them in the same spot in case something was wrong with it. Are yours in sun or shade?


Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

Mine are in part/mostly shade. I ordered three last year, all died, got three replacements, only one survived. I ordered another three this year, from Bluestone, and they all seem to be doing just fine. I think it may be the source more so than the dirt or amount of sun... I will let you know and post photos when/if they bloom!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Okay and thanks Zarebeth. I will put mine in partial shade. I got mine from Dutch Gardens and I do trust them so I hope they make it. They're so pretty. I may dig (if I can and no one finds out) up the roots on the ones that are flat and look dead to see if there's any hope of them reviving in the shade. My doctor doesn't want me digging since my overdose of gardening landed me in the hospital but I think this is a short, quick job with no big deal involved.

Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

Oh, girl - you be careful! I agree this is a small job, but I can't believe you were in the hospital from a gardening overdose. Guess I better watch it this year....

Hope you feel better soon! (((hug)))

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the hug but actually "Peter" my therapist does wonders with his massages - just counting the minutes until 2:30 when I have my next session. Maybe after this I can go back to sleeping as well as I used to.

Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

Hmmm... massages are the treatment? I may have to work myself silly in the garden this weekend!

Sorry, I don't meant to make light of your suffering (but you did kind of ask for it) :-)

So what all did you do?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Oh Zarebeth - Kaleem wanted some Japanese Irises. The two big clumps of it have never been divided. So I went at it with one serrated knife, then another, then a smaller one, then a saw that I use for going through earth and roots. This went on through both of the Japanese Irises. The next day was an inside day for me but late that night (early the next morning, actually) my right thigh muscle was so tight I couldn't lie the leg flat so (don't you dare go hysterical) I brought my knee up to my chest so high I could almost (I told you not to laugh) kiss the knee and then (stop laughing right now) couldn't get it down again. I woke up my DH and together, and with laughter and tears, we got the leg down again but I knew it called for a night time ambulance ride. They took me out on all fours on the gurney (oh - go ahead and laugh) and off we went. I was diagnosed with sciatica and muscle pulls and put on intravenous muscle relaxers and pain killers. Then I was told to go for physical therapy. I couldn't even drive - afraid the leg and foot wouldn't work to hit the brake.

I'm better now but still not allowed to garden with knives or saws or shovels, just a hand trowel and only 15 minutes, then rest and to totally stop if I felt any pain anywhere.

I hope I gave you a good laugh for the day. When I look back I do laugh at kissing my own knee and not getting it down - kind of like the leg had a good shot of one of those men's miracle drugs.


Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

Owie! Yes, the visuals were humorous, but I can imagine how much that must have hurt. Sciatica is a real bear! I hope you feel better soon, and also hope your massage therapist is gorgeous!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks. Yes he is gorgeous but just a tad older than my granddaughter. I can dream, can't I? Actually, he's very nice and also very sympthetic to the pain and excellent at explaining why the muscles tighten up. Have a great weekend.

Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

Dream away... and have a great weekend yourself!

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