Help on my clemantis I planted Sunday !!

Lilburn, GA(Zone 7b)

I went on the boards Sunday asking help on planting my clemantis. First time I had purchased some where the "knobby" part of the plant on the bottom was above the soil line. Everybody was kind enough to advise me to plant the "knobby" about an inch below the soil line. I also watered well Now it's thursday am and 2 of the vines have totally wilted. HELP!!
thanks so much!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Don't water, don't feed - it's feeling really stressed right now. Do your best to look the other way as you pass it. Don't attribute it to "Clematis wilt" - probably isn't so.

Which variety did you buy?................STOP WORRYING


Lilburn, GA(Zone 7b)

Arlene....had to laugh when I read your reply....only a gardener knows another !!
I bought 2 blue moons and 2 josephines.
OK..I will go home and pretend they don't exist, lol :-)
Thanks so much for your kind help!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'm not trying to make you cry but I did lose my one and only 'Blue Moon'. I had put it next to the 'Blue Moon' hosta. I purchased them because we were married under a blue moon! The hosta leaped for the fresh rich soil of the clematis and she was a goner. I may try again but only after the hosta is reduced in size and I plant a lot of slabs of broken granite to the side (under ground) so it can't expand.

I have 'Josephine' in my garage now. She was planted by a lovely rose 'Sheer Bliss' as I felt the edges of the rose matched the clematis. It was divorce from the start. The clematis never got enough water or food - the rose sucked it all up. After waiting about 8 years I finally dug it up this spring. I had been digging up the weed 'Aegopodium' and ripping it's head off as I tossed it in the weed barrel. Lo and behold I saw the top of the clematis and, not thinking, ripped off it's head! Oh no! When I realized what I had done I quickly potted her up with Miracle Gro potting soil and put her downstairs under lights. She finally sprouted a new tip which I managed not to rip off.

If your plants still look weary by Monday you might want to contact the shop where you bought them and ask if you should return them. They always want to keep customers happy so I'm sure they would replace them for you.

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

I just planted my first 4 clematis this past week and was told by a grower to cut them down to just above the first leaves to make them stronger.

What do others think? It may be a good idea for you too! Then for sure it will not wilt!

One of the clematis that I planted is called Claire Du Lune...and I read that it was once called Blue Moon...I hope this isn't a sign that it will not do well! ;-(

Lilburn, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh gosh what do I do? This is the first time I have planted clemmies where this happened.
BUT all previous times they have gone into the ground earlier in the spring while temps where still on the cool side. Well....I am leaving today for 2 wks to visit grandkids in San Francisco so I am going to leave it all in the hands of the garden gods, sprinkler system and my husband (you noticed I put him last..he kills everything, lol). I appreciate all your help!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Carole - enjoy your time away with your grandkids and when you come home it will be soon enough to either scream and return the plants or rejoice! Let's all root for rejoicing! Let us know what happens.


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