cockleburrs in my yard

Du Quoin, IL

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to eliminate cockleburrs in a yard? My property is very wooded but there is an open field behind my house from (apparently) whence they come. I've tried Round Up with no success. The plant wilts after 24 hrs. and then perks back up again after 48 hrs. They are multiplying and I am desperate.

Nope, chemicals aren't that effective as you've already found out. Good news is that Xanthium is an annual. Hand pull it after a nice rain when the ground is nice and workable. I've pulled thousands by hand. No biggie. Just make sure you get to them before they go to seed. After a few years, you will have eliminated the seed bank and will only need to pull but a handful here and there. I leave a few as they do serve a purpose.

Huntsville, AL(Zone 7b)

Just an idea. About 10 years ago, while in Louisville, I met a man at a flea market that was selling cockleburs at 2 for a $1.00. He had them in small boxes labeled porcupine eggs with instructions on how to hatch them. When I asked him if people were really buying them he told me he had already sold over 100 that day, and it was only about noon.

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