Bean Help Please

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

This a yard long bean I've planted and I can't keep any of the bottom leaves on. Just need to know if the plant is beyond help or should I keep trying. All the leaves on the bottom always look like this. I don't splash and I am watering with a meter. They seem to be growing up but still look very spindly.


Thumbnail by araness
Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

this is the entire plant

Thumbnail by araness
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, I see what you mean. Try sidedressing them with a 5-3-3 organic fertilizer, or a shot of fish emulsion, then take an "after" picture...

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Ok cool...doing a run to the Feed store this afternoon so I'll get some 5-3-3 don't think the puppy would stay out of the fish emulsion. She'd end up rolling in it. Next year I'll do bush, I so didn't have a clue this year and have made so many boo boo's it's not even funny.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Maybe it is funny to some of us..... (ducking) :-)

Honestly, I am STILL laughing at myself as I CONTINUE to make boo boos...

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

yep cause next year I'm hauling you and the boys down to be "expert" consultants.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

araness...your plants in the second pic look fine to me. Hard to tell much from the first pic... BUT....could it be that you are worrying about the cotyledons on your plants? Those are the ones that "appear" to be the first leaves and it is perfectly normal for them to yellow and fall off. If that is the case you are doing just fine. Save your money on the fertilizer...beans don't need much feeding and will produce a crop without any feeding at all.

Another thought comes to mind:excessive heat. It looks like your plants are up against a brick wall, which might be contributing to the heat factor. Although beans love warmth, too much heat being reflected from a heat sink like a wall or bricks may be a bit too much for the early leaves.

Hope all goes well with those plants. Yard long beans are delish!!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

You smarty Horseshoe, I didn't think about the wall!

"Move that box!", Saint!

Beileve me, we would love a break from here, but it seems as though we are "married to the land", ball and chain and all...

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

ok an nope those are the first leaves...matter fact those are about the 900th *G* The bottom ones just keep dying. I'll move it from next to the wall and hope they perk up some.


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