Corn and watermelon??

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

Can I can I can I Please??????? I have done the 3 sisters thing--but the kids REALLY want watermelon and I really want to grow it..... I have a 3x10 bed I grow the corn in---- PLEASE???



Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

I would not try it, but you could always experiment. Corn is really competitive and watermelons need lots of space and lots of sunlight. The bush watermelons will grow in a six by six ft space.

(Zone 2b)

I'd try it once and if it doesn't work then you'll know for next year :-)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

I am trying it this year. Since this is the High Plains, and we have no shade or wind break to speak of. I have tall tomatoes on the west side of the watermelon row, and ealy corn on the east side. The corn is short (4 ft.), and each row is a wide row, with a wlakway in between. I planted so that the melons would not bloom at the smae time as the corn is doing it's thing, since that is when they need the most water (at least I hope I did LOL). Both varieties are short season, so they will be done before too much heat sets in, and they are mulched (except the corn), and all have soaker hoses buried under the mulch. So I took precautions as far as water needs go. Also, I have had a row cover on the corn till they are big enough to fend for themselves, and that conserves water. Then the watermelon will have a row cover till they bloom.

Corn=Triple Play Sweet Corn, 55-60 days, planted April 22nd and May12th
Watermelons=Early Moonbeam 55-60 days, planted May 21st
Tomatoes= Arkansas Traveler 75-80 days, set out ? Early April; Oregon Star (80-85 days), set out ?; Schimmeig Striped Hollow 80 days, ?; Striped Roman 75-80 days, ?;

I will check my dates for correctness and edti later...

Keep in mind though, Michelle, these are not in the same bed. Were you going to do these in place of pumpkin in a three sisters planting, and which method? I would say if you do this, they will need special care :-)

This message was edited May 24, 2005 6:38 PM

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

Well-- I'm Heather, but-- I was just going to put some watermelon seed (2 or so) to grow on the ground around the base of the corn. My tomatos are in another raised bed all together. I don't use any particular method of veggie gardening just kinda grow what I can and I like to try new things (plus it is easier to get the kids to eat things they have helped grow)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Sorry Heather, the M always gets me, can't remember michele's user name, I think it is Witch, don't ask me why I get so confused, esp when you SIGNED your name LOL.

yes this is the best way to get kids eating good food!

Sounds liek a great experiment to me, just be sure they won't be "blooming" at the same time, as Farmer Dill said. My watermelons are small enough that they can be planted two feet apart... And be sure to let us know. I think you have longer days there (and cooler), so maybe your watermelons won't mind the shade.

But even in the three sisters circle method, there is only ONE Pumpkin per seven corn plants...

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Well, Heather, did you get the watermelon going?

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

you-- but it is groing r-e-a-l-l-y s-l-o-w-l-y so I don't know if I will even get a watermellon from it.... sigh....


Victorville, CA

My watermelon is growing really slow also. I planted "Crimson Sweet" watermelon.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Mine just didn't make it, maybe will replant later...

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