Fall Containers

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Every fall I see everyone with great containers full of mums etc and I always say I'm going to do one and never do. Does anyone have pictures of "fall type" containers you've done in the past? I'd love to have an idea so I can start shopping for the perfect container and be ready to go when all the fall plants are put out.


Kernersville, NC(Zone 7a)

I would be interested in this too, I am a newbie and have focused so much on spring and summer, I'm gonna be lonely come fall. Hope someone has some great ideas:)


Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I try and plant all of my containers so that they have mixed appeal in all seasons.
What I normally do is place some sort of dwarf conifer, or tree/shrub in the center of the container and build upon that. That way even in winter I still have something of interest to look at in the pot. :-)
Hope that helps give you an idea or two.


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