Growing Broccoli Question.

Richfield, UT(Zone 5b)


I am going to attempt to grow some broccoli this year as my kids LOVE it. When I mentioned this to my Mom she laughed and told me "I hope you like eating bugs". She claims that they are MAJOR bug magnets and that I won't be able to eat them. Anyone grow broccoli and have any tips for me? Should I just yank the plants out now and save myself the mysery of growing bugs?

I live in Utah.

Thanks for any help.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Wildflower...brocolli loves cool weather. I"m not familiar with your weather/temps, etc in your area but perhaps your local Ag office can advise you on your planting times concerning that.

Cabbage moths (and a few others) love to lay their eggs near broc plants, and then they hatch and the larvae climb onto the brocolli, munching away. However, they can be halted by applying Bt, available as Dipel (powdered form) or Thuricide (liquid form). It is a very safe product and only affects the larvae/caterpillars.)

You could also cover the plants with row covers to be a physical barrier.

I prefer to grow broc in the Fall months...much less bugs here during that time and it gives us something to grow/eat at a time when other plants are beginning to fail.

I say Go For It!

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

I grow broccoli both spring and fall. The imported cabbage worm is always there, but Bt takes care of them as well as the ocassional cabbage looper. Only other pests are aphids and Harlequin bugs which appear sporadically. Relatively easy to control. All in all Broccoli is a lot easier to grow than tomatoes in this climate.

king, NC(Zone 7a)

What do you use to control Harlenquin bugs. Thanks Lockman.

Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6b)

I am growing it and it is doing well. Not heading up yet but the cauliflower is. Look in the veggie gardening forum for my garden pictures.


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

I use Carbaryl, An organic alternative is Sabadilla or Pyrethrin

Richfield, UT(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the info. I am going to give them a run and see how it goes. :)

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Cut my first broccoli yesterday. I don't use pesticides on my garden. Yes there are bugs, and cabbage worms. My solution is to cut the broccoli, bring it in put in kitchen sink cover with cold water, add plenty of salt( idon't measure just shake the box over it) and let sit for about an hour. If there are bugs there the salt water will kill them. Then wash thoroughly under running water, put in steamer and viola a good side dish for dinner.

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