Jasmine and Honeysuckle- yes or no? Advice requested-

BeachTown, CA(Zone 10a)

I'm considering planting honeysuckle and/or jasmine along my back fence. (zone 8a)
I'd initially thought of ivy, but was scared off by the anti-ivy coalition. So, I'm looking in a different direction, but have a couple questions about these two flowering evergreen vines.

1) Will these damage the fence? Should I set up a metal or wood trellis structure in front of the fence so they lean on that rather than the fence itself?

2) Do these have roots that will run underground into neighbors' yards? Or, might seed pods carried by the breeze cause problems for them?

3) Would it be smarter to plant them bound by some kind of in-ground root container? (I read somewhere that this is how some gardeners keep bamboo under control)

4) How extensive is the required maintenance? If it's limited to cutting them down twice a year, I can handle that. But I'm not interested in plants that will consume a great deal of my time (not to mention my fence and my neighbors!)


5) In researching these questions, I stumbled across information on the Cherokee Rose (GA's state flower!). Would that be a better option? I love the dogwood-like flowers!! I haven't done any homework on this one, though, so I'm pretty clueless here.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

BeachTown, CA(Zone 10a)

Decided to plant just two, one at each end of the fence, and to use in-ground containers. Playing it safe for now. Will post pics in a while..

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