Spring/Summer Secret Plant Trade??

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I sent in my name right away - pirl (Arlene)

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

I'm still in. Resent my infor to pins. Lou

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Pins - do you want all of us to send our wish lists to the same address or have you picked them up from the start?

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

I've started a new thread for our wish lists. Be sure and give me your address before posting here. How about a cutoff date of this Saturday (June 11) for joining up? I'll try to give everyone a name by Sunday (June 12). Then, we can give a two week window for sending, just in case of rain, car problems, or sickness. Please send by Priority Mail. We'll start a new thread for what we got. Remember to look at your person's list and try to go by their preferences. You don't have to go out to buy anything, but just use your best judgement on what they'd like.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

I'm still in....

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I hate to do this, but after some consideration, I'm going to have to sit this one out. Already have to much to get done with trades, co-ops, and the daylily secret trade!

Will try to do this next year! Thanks!


Floresville, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm gonna have to call it quits on this one too... sorry. Just too much reshuffling of everything for me.

N., CA(Zone 9a)

Is this a cursed trade...is there something I should know? I keep feeling like I should back out, too, but Nope! As long as it's on, I'm sticking to it.

N., CA(Zone 9a)

and BTW, I'm a thread-killer, so I dont expect anyone else to add that they're not doing now, either! (-:

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

I have been watching this thread for a while and been tempted to jump in, but my concern is that I am new to gardening and for the most part, I don't have any of the things that people have on their wish lists. I only have really basic stuff and most of the things listed, I haven't even seen at the garden centers.

Guess I would like some one's opinion on whether it would be better for me to sit out until I have some more stuff. I won't be upset if the answer is yes. I don't want to commit to do it and then not be able to fulfill any of the person's wants and them be disappointed.

Advice PLEASE!


Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Okay - I second this thread's death. Here is the link to the new thread for this trade.


See you there!

N., CA(Zone 9a)

Shuggins, I too am a new gardener and dont have much - if any - plants to share. I was going to wait until I got my secret trader's name then if I didnt have anything that matched her wants, go to the nursery and pick out a few things. Like CrestedChick says above, get something you both would like, take half, and send the other. Go to the other thread started by Pins and post your wants. It will be fun!
Kim, (whining) but I wanted to be the thread killer! (-:

This message was edited Jun 7, 2005 1:18 PM

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Don't anyone back out because you don't think you have enough to trade. You'd be surprised at how much of the "common" plants I don't have and would love to get from any and all of you!

I am still in! Definitely! See you at the other thread.

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

I wasn't sure if I should post here or on the other thread, but since it appears to be only wish lists, I put it here.

How many plants were decided on? I saw 5 and then I saw 3. Also, when is the deadline to mail the plants? And finally, what size is typically for the plants on this type of trade? I did the daylily trade, but it is was easy to determine the size of one fan.


Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Since we have some people who don't have lots of plants, lets do a minimum of 3 plants, but you can send as many as you'd like. The size of the plants usually are determined by the type of plant and the box size. I usually try to send a one to two root crowns, depending on the plant.

More input needed...

I'm glad someone else brought this up. I do think it's important to define the number or sizes, etc, especially for people who haven't traded before. It's very anxiety-producing to be unsure of what is expected.
Daylilies and iris and the like are easy, as stated, because you can count the number of fans, etc. For plants such as Yarrow, for example, how about using the nursery standard pot sizes? Like one 'trade' would equal what you would expect in a 4" pot, or a 6" pot? (Filled pots, of course). Would something like this work?
Others please chime in...

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Pixy...I was thinking along the same lines. When doing trades, I think it is fine when someone has a very small start of something, as it can be worked out through the trade. But for secret trades, the idea of a baseline of what we'd find in a std pot at a nursery is helpful--a 4in or quart size (a bit larger) seems a good size reference. So, I AGREE. And if by chance someone is sending something they have a lot of and choose to send more--then great!

When in doubt.....ask yourself if YOU'd like to receive it OR ask another gardener....."would you be happy satisified w/ this?"

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Is it too late to jump into this?

I have a ton of stuff to split still, and a bunch of empty spots to fill. I'm not overly picky - sun if it's blue, white, or pink; anything that likes wet feet and will live at the edge of my pond, or anything full shade.

Only drawback is I'm in the hinterlands in Illinois, Zone 4

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Jump on in! I'll be sending the names out this weekend and we'll have 2 weeks to send the plants after that. Just send me your real name and address.

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Here are the names and addresses I have. If you don't see your's and you'd like to participate, let me know now.

debi z

That's 26 participants!! Let me hear from if I need to get you on this list.

This message was edited Jun 12, 2005 12:24 PM

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Hey - I am on there twice - Do I get twice the plants??!? :-)

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

You almost did! I just finished sending everyone's name out by Dmail. But, before I did that and was pulling the names out of the bowl, I had an extra name. It took me color coding everyone before I finally figured out that your's was in there twice. Sheesh.

Anyway, y'all all should have your names by now. Let's be on target so some of us don't spend our days with our heads in the mailboxes just searching and waiting.

If you can't get you box shipped by June 30, please let me know so I can pass on that information.

Have fun!!

glenmora, LA(Zone 8a)

oh man , i had'nt check this thread in a while , so didnt see to send my info again....shoooooot i missed out.

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