White leaves on veggy plants

Sunnyvale, CA(Zone 9b)

Some of my veggy plants have white leaves now. Not all but the bottom leaves have been hit more with it than the leaves higher up. I went out to check the garden. I see some of the lower snap pea leaves and zucchini leaves are affected. Tomato plants look OK, and so are the cukes. It rained a lot the last couple of weeks and I feel like I read somewhere that rain can cause this? I really can't remember.

Anyway, Is this some kind of fungus? Am I supposed to pluck the affected leaves? Would it spread? Any good organic treatment to do? Is it necessary to treat them at all?

That was mouthful of questions, but I have never had this trouble before (normally it doesn't rain this much in May here), so I have no idea what I should do about it.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.


Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

powdery mildew guys?

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Can you rub the white stuff off? If so it is likely powery mildew. I good soap and water bath should help them. Make sure there is plenty of room for the air to move between and around them so they can dry quickly. That may mean thinning the number of plants somewhat. I hear there is a buttermilk solution that is good too.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

baking soda & water; I'd do a search on "powdery mildew."

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