wisteria In NYC

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Well spring is late as are the wisteria... but they are blooming all over now.. a few of the passafloras that were blooming so incely inside didn't like the move they made outside.. a few others didn't seem to mind at all.. and are leafing and doing great... the two mandavillas are doing ok.. but not alot of growth after the move and have restarted themselves... the virgins bower that was blooming great inside has lost all of it's winterleaves and looks next to dead outside.. but it should return.. the moonflowers are up and doing nicely.. as are the four types of morning glorys.. cypress vines are up and slow... sweetpeas are slow and only 8" tall... I think they were about 7" a month ago.. I thought they would like it a bit cooler.. castor bean vine is doing fine.. clitorea just might have survived... and a few of the tiny bouganviellas got just about sunburnt to start they are now back in the window... hope they pull through.. guess that's about it for vines.. a few get the new cherry trellis and the rest have to fend for them selves on the one on top of the fence...
strange spring here.. in the roof garden.. OH.. the porcelean vine has returned and looks strong again this year... and it's neighbor the red honeysuckle gets the best looking overwintered outside here award

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Thats beautiful, I'll have to see about growing Wisteria in Iowa, I always thought it was a warm weather vine.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Looks wonderful and glad your plants made it thru
I know how hard it is to winter over the tropicals up here

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Momof2D: yes.. It's perfectly hardy here ... it's all about.. a rampant strong grower.. able to climb 50; up out through a crack in the sidewalks.. able to pull down heavy fenceing...
CrestedChik Thanks.. yes overwintering for me isn't as hard as getting them eased out in the spring.. somehow even if it's cloudy they react to it in a big negative way... If it ever warms up.. I'm sure they will be OK... have you had any days that resembled spring yet up there Gordon

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

a few
Its been nice the past few days but cool
we did have a day where it hit 84
but the next day it was a high of 40

We have now gone 3 days without frost, so I'm starting to move some stuff out

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