
Cocoa Beach, FL

My vegetable garden is full of holes which I think are from voles. Has anyone had luck using animal urine to encourage them to live somewhere else?

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Are voles like moles? We have moles here, and have tried everything on the market, not much luck with anything yet.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

No Voles are small "field mice".http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/StratfordLandingES/Ecology/mpages/meadow_vole.htm They like to follow mole tunnels and consequently moles get blamed for a lot of damge. These critters are vegetarians and feed on roots and tubers. They especially like potatoes either Irish or sweet. There are bait stations available but don't know how effective they are. http://www.volecontrol.com/ Several years ago they killed a couple of apple trees for me and I resorted to rodent bombs. Slowed them down a bit.

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

I read they don't like castor oil - gardens way sells a castor bean pellet to repel them.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I grow castor beans in most of our flower and garden plots. If you happen to have hundreds of castor bean seeds you can grind them in a blender and spread the powder on the ground. Garlic also seems to deter them somewhat. Cat litter seemed to help here too but I no longer recommend it as I have noticed several plants have very chloratic leaves even a year or more later. These burrowing creatures seem to value their peace and quiet highly so any excess noise you can make(power mower just run over the place almost daily, fireworks exploded in the hole, etc.)will make them leave.

Kennewick, WA(Zone 6b)

There is a spray that is made out of castor oil. You wet down the ground and then spray the oil and wet the ground again. It has kept them away from my willow trees.
I bought it at Walmart.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Get a dog that likes to hunt them.....my Sheltie will relentlessly work to eliminate them. She's not very careful around plantings, but will cause so much havoc that they move on...we get a few now and then, but they never form big colonies. Don't have moles either...and the neighbors all around me are over-run.

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