Where and which neem spray?

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

I've heard of it as neem oil spray, "Target Neem," etc., but where can you find it? And what kind works for you?

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

I found it at Lowe's. I used it for mildew on my Phlox, but so far it hasn't worked, my be I did it too late, I don't know.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Did you try baking soda (1.5 Tbsp per gallon H20)? I thought weekly applications of that were as good as any of the marketed stuff. Maybe not...

Do you know what brand neem you bought? Wiltpruf? I just found Bio Neem concentrate yesterday, mixed it and sprayed it onto my poor flea-beetle infested potato plants (except one, just for comparison purposes). Two inches of rain later, the plants I sprayed are still flea-less. The other one's speckled with them. I'll check Lowe's. Maybe they have it cheaper...

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you for the soda hint, I will try it. The Neem oil concentrate we bought at Lowe's is
Greenlight brand. It was $11.00 a pint bottle. I am glad it worked for you.

St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)


Do you mix your neem oil with dish soap and baking soda?


Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

I just followed the Bon Neem (which calls itself a soap) instructions, which were to mix with 50 parts water. I use baking soda mixtures separately. I've only used the neem for bug pests at this point.

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