Soil recipe needed please

St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

Does anyone have a recipe suggestion for sandy, loamy soil? Also, will just regular playsand work?



Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Soil for cacti and succulants:

2 parts sharp builders sand
1 part perlite
1 part heavy soil
1 part peat moss

I would think that play sand would work. That is what we use, unless it's the real fine stuff that works through the fibers of your clothes. (not good play sand).

Hope it helps

(Zone 2b)

Here are the ratios of sand, silt, and clay in various soil textures:

St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks guys!


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

mlm--if this is for regular garden soil, you can go to your gravel supplier and order some very coarse builder's sand or even tiny gravel is good, some say better, in bulk. The coarser the better will help the drainage issue if that's what you're after....

Play sand won't do anything much for your clay soil... (according to all the experts who looked at my yard)...

Marlow, OK

I live in Okla and have about 18 inches of pure sand above an endless red clay layer. I done it the hard way. I picked out a level spot in the yard and fenced it. For 3 years now I have been collecting grass, cardboard, fall leaves, shredded pkaper, manure and different biodegradable material and piling it in my garden area. Just this year (4th year) I am beginning to see a change. Last year I had a 2 foot layer of leaves. Table scraps rotten fruit and things like that help. Worms will migrate to your garden finding large quantities of food and housing.

Other than that you can order a truck load of top soil for about $100.00...

I find my self doing everything the hard way..

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