My apple tree ..Broken Centre Branch ...HELP

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

My apple tree I was so proud of it -going on 2 yrs..Now a branch broke and I cut it off for it was hanging...
What am I to do with the fresh cut??...Do I paint it ,or something else is required..Don't want to loose her.
Thanks, for any help or advice..

Thumbnail by Paridise
Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

use a pruning saw and cut further down with an angle. With a clean, smooth cut, it's not necessary to do anything else. In response to the at cut, dormant nodes will break beneath or right at the cut and if you wanted to, you could train that one to your new leader.

As it is now with the ragged torn trunk, it's inviting disease.

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Thank-You so Much!!

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