Growing Papaya in an EB

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Today a friend of mine gave me a home grown papaya. This is the same friend that I have given some of my excess tomato plants every season. We used to be neighbors and still keep in touch. Well anyway I'm going to grow the pit in one of my EBs. It should do well according to the manufacturers brochures. I'm drooling already just thinking about it. Normally I don't do much during our summer because it is just to humid but I never thought of papaya, watermelon, and stringbeans that seem to thrive in the humidity. Our average temp is around 85 deg. so the melons and papaya should do very well. My other southern buddy aries44 grows them and does well so why not especially seeing the prices of melons in the markets.

I'd like to know if any of you have grown papaya and watermelons and if you have any tips for me. It doesn't matter to me if you used EBs or in ground or clay containers. Any info would help ? Tomatos I know but I'm a newbie at this !!

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