Question on "Gallons" when referring to pot size

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I'm getting kinda confused here when I see people post that they are putting their Brugs in, say, 20 gallon pots, etc.......

That sounds VERY huge to me.

When I think of "gallons" I think of how many gallons of water I think the pot will hold.

When someone is referring to 20 gallons, are they referring actually to the "diameter" of the pot maybe?

My Brugs do just fine in a pot that is 20" in diameter, and say 12" to 15" tall. There is NO WAY those pots would hold 20 gallons of water, though - not even close! And these pots are huge and they are heavy. I am thinking I should take an empty one, put a heavy duty garbage bag in it and see how many gallons of water it takes to fill it up.

When I bought a gardenia from NW Seed & Pet, I was told it came in a gallon container. When I went to pick it up, it didn't look like a gallon - more like 1 1/2 quarts, tops.

What are the standards of measure for big pots?


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