Are all Clematis leaves the same?

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

I bought 2 small vines from Wal-Mart but can not be certain what the bloom will be like. One's picture does not match the name when I researched it online. I'm wanting to know what color they will be before I plant them, so I know where to plant them. So I thought maybe the leaves might ID it.

Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Leaves vary from one variety to another - somewhat. I do not think you can ID by the leaves. Non of the clematis sites I've been to have pix of the leaves. You'll be best off just waiting!

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

That's what I was finding online, just pics of flowers but I could not see the leaves. I have no idea when these will bloom, so I'm not sure how long I'll be waiting. tick tock tick tock

Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

I bought 3 small vines from Lowes about 6 weeks ago and one of them is already blooming. The diff. varieties have varying bloom times so it probably depends on that.

If your like me-when I get something new I can hardly wait for blooms!

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

I have one little bloom that I saw the day after I posted this. I'm still waiting...impatiently!!! It's not going to be big but at least I'll know what the color is. I guess everyone hates the wait for the blooms. It's not too bad now since my garden is about 3 years old. While the new things are coming up and just starting, the old established ones have already taken off, so I have things to look at while I wait. :)

Thumbnail by konkreteblond
Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Wow! I love your garden! It's so full of color. I just love a color filled garden. So pretty! Thank you for sharing. Where are you planning to plant your clematis?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I have had 75+ clematis and never noticed a difference in the leaves, IF there is one. Most of my success comes from potting them up and keeping them on my indoor porch for a least a year, some two years. I prefer to be certain of the bloom color. Every time I direct plant them they end up not being what the label said they were. Try to find the manager of the Wal Mart and have him look up the clematises they either ordered or received. It would narrow down your search.

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks JenG! That's just my front bed, and only the beginning. :) It was full of color early this year, so it made me happy. I'm planting the Clematis in the back tho. This is the backyard, which is just starting. It peaks later. :)) The Clematis will go on the fence closer to where I'm standing to take the picture.

Pirl, you are one patient gardener! I could not wait 2 years to see the color of the bloom! I went out to just go ahead and plant them and saw a bud, so I am waiting. They have tags on them, but I know better than to think that's what I'm getting. lol

One of them is supposed to be a red bloom, "Niobe". The other has a picture of a purple bloom with a red streak in the center of each petal, with the name "Dr. Ruppel" on it. While looking at a big Clematis website I saw that the picture and the name Dr.R didn't match. ?? So I thought I would wait and see what it really was.

Thumbnail by konkreteblond
Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Gosh, the back is pretty, too. It will be lovely with the clematis on the fence.

I don't know why I have different leaves on my clematis. It seems the large flowered hybrids are different from the viticellas (little bells), are different from ternifolia (sweet autumn), are different from texensis, and also integrifolia. least they look different to me. But the flowers are all splendid! And oh so interesting to mix and match.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

What lovely gardens you have! The Clematis will look wonderful planted in the back of your garden, plus softening the hardwood fence. Since you bought your Clematis from Wal-mart, they are most likely one year old vines. When I buy Clematis from any "big box store", I take it out of the small container it was purchased in. I then re-pot it into a 1 gallon container with well amended soil and keep it moist. It's best if you plant your Clematis in the Fall, because it will be cooler then and they will probably receive more moisture than during the hot dry Summer months.

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Shirley, that's a good idea too. I could put it in a pot and then move them to a permanent spot in the fall when they die back. At the back of the big bed in the picture you wouldn't see the pot.

I'm planting these for the color and flower, but do they smell??

Pirl, I just realized I didn't *gasp* earlier at your 75+ vines! Do you have pics?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Not digitals but loads of other photos of the different Clematis. Tomorrow, with any luck, my granddaughter, 14, will teach me how to use it and how to send the photos.

My nurseryman once told me, after I mentioned that two clem's I bought from another place were purple and not red as the box said, that the two plants whose seeds are easiest to confuse for the growers are astilbe and clematis. That's what led me to growing them inside to be certain of their colors.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Niobe and Dr. Ruppel are not one of the fragrant Clematis vines. There are other Clematis that are fragrant such as:

C. "Apple Blossom"
C. armandii
C. alpina "Odorata"
C. cirrhosa - Citrus scent
C. forsteri
C. heracleifolia davidiana - Hyacinth scented
C. integrifolia
C. Montana "Elizabeth"
C. Montana "Fragrant Spring"
C. Montana "Jacqui"
C. Montana "Tetrarose" - Spicy scent
C. Peveril
C. Purpurea
C. recta
C. "Snowdrift"
C. terniflora
C. thunbergii
C. virginiana
C. Viticella, Betty Corning

I'm sure I probably missed a few, but this should get you started locating scented Clematis for your garden.

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL...doesn't that figure? the 2 I picked out don't smell...that's ok, hopefully I'll like the blooms.

I just went out and checked on my future bloom, and it didn't look so good. It's 93 out now, and it was wilty feeling. I put it in the shade. I will repot them in gallon pots like you mentioned. That will probably help them a lot.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Most definitely!

I would wilt too in 93 degree heat! :~)

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

My bloom is not going to open. :( The piece of stem that it's attached to is wilty and looks like it's bent and not going to puff back up. (if that makes sense) I can't believe I've been waiting, now nothing. If it doesn't in the next few days, can I tell what color it would be if I open it?

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