Trilliums in south TX?

Floresville, TX(Zone 9a)

Anyone know if they'll grow here? I found some on ebay that I would really like to try, but from what I've read they like it cooler than I can offer... any info would be appreciated:-)

Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)

I can't believe no one responded to this until now. The answer really depends on the type of trillium you are looking at. If you want to do a search in the PlantFiles, it's pretty easy. Just click on the green bar and type trillium in the common name section. Several varieties will come up.

Can you buy them locally? That may also be a sign that they will work in your area. You may want to contact some local nurseries and ask them if they sell trillium.


Floresville, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Carla, I had looked in the plant files and none of the ones I could find will tolerate the heat I have, so I decided not to buy and then kill the poor things.

Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)

That would probably be my choice, if I were you. They're lovely, I agree. I wouldn't buy them for our place here either because of the dry heat. They'd never make it.

Good luck with your gardens.

surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

Hello Indigoez
I too have been lusting after Trillium.I grow them up in the mountains,zone 6,but have refrained from bringing them down to the Beach because of the heat.However,Brookgreen Gardens,our local botanical gardens grow them in their shade garden.I have no idea which variety they grow and I will try to find out.When I do I will let you know.Our Summer temps are in the 80's and 90's and we have VERY high humidity.If your weather conditions are somewhat similar you may be able to try them out.

Floresville, TX(Zone 9a)

That sounds great downscale!:-) Temps here are in the 90's from about now until possibly Sept/Oct sometimes, usually with extreme humidity.

surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

It has taken me a long time to find this info. because I don't spend much time in Brookgreen in the summer because of the heat.I hope you are still around to get this info.

The variety of Trillium that is planted here in the heat of coastal Trillium Maculatum and I just ordered it from

They have been growing in Brookgreen Gardens for quite a while and are doing very well.

Anyone else who lusts after trillium and lives in a very hot place may want to try them too.

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