Need help with Serviceberry

Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I bought and planted a Serviceberry Clump May 2, 2005. I thought it had not blossomed yet because it had some good sized buds and no spent flowers. Tje day after I planted the tree we had a freeze. Since then we have had weather in the 50's and 60's with lows in the mid 30's to upper 40's.

My tree has not leafed yet. It still has buds on it that look like they are about to open, but they've looked like that pretty much since I planted it. I scratched the bark and saw some green so the darn thing is still alive but I'm wondering if it's going to do anything and when. Anyone familiar with Serviceberries in zone 5?

Thanks for your help

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

We had that same freeze here in Illinois, two nights in a row. Toasted hundreds of our rare trees here. Made me sick.

Serviceberry would have bloomed weeks earlier. It normally should have no problem starting some new growth again, unless your tree was so stressed out by the recent transplanting that it has no reserves left. Either way, just maintain it normally (water as needed, critter protection, mulch) and wait it out.

Guy S.

Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks for answering, Guy. I called the nursery where I bought it and he said quite a few of his serviceberries were experiencing this. He said to give it a couple more weeks to see what happens and then he'll take neccessary steps.


This message was edited May 18, 2005 9:08 PM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

did you know they call it Service berry because of the time it blooms..years ago they used to have all the funeral services after the ground had thawed enough to dig a grave. Just a little trivia....

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