Growing in Bags of soil

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

Just wanted to share my pics of squash that I grew in bags of compost manure.
I cut a few slits on one side of compost bag----turned it over and cut hole on the other side---placed my squash plants in the compost manure soil----put some mulch around the hole so the dirt dont flow out, fed with 13-13-13 or middleider magic mix which consist of 13-13-13.

Happy Gardening

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Corpus Christi, TX(Zone 9a)

That is soooo cool! I think that would be a great project for my kids to try. Have you ever done this before? Have you done other plants? What size bags of soil are you using for squash?

Very cool!

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

That is a cool idea...I might have to try that next year.

Dry Ridge, KY(Zone 6a)

I've heard of doing this with determinate tomatoes in the greenhouse. It is supposed to help keep disease at bay. What, if any, is the difference in watering the bags as opposed to normal containers? Is there less of a need due to the lack of open surface area in the bags?

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

That's just the easiest way to go. No tilling, filling, weeding, and a back saving feature too.

~* Robin

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

This was the first thing that I tried to grow in the bag of compost manure . Each bag has 2 squash plants.

I also grow tomato plants in grow bags---and I mix peat moss and compost manure together for the tomatoes----2 parts compost and 1 part peat.
Growing Indeterminate in these bags-----started some better bush last week in some grow bags tooooo.

I am also trying some cucumbers this week. Just sowed the seed today.


Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

that is so cool...I love the set up. You have to sell all of these...unless you feed half of North Alabama.

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

better bush

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

How wonderful! I'll have to try it when I get a bigger garden area. NO sunny spots here.

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

lol----yes I am growing them to sell---This is my job---Greenhouse Business.
I needed more income for when the bedding plant sales season was over so decided to try growing and selling veggies during the summer.

I am growing peppers in grow bags too. No pics yet


Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

from the amount of plants you have I'd say your a hit. I won't tell DH about the bags since he's already ready to smack me cause next year I'm using EB and he ask what I wanted to do with this 100 bucks worth of planters I bought this year. *G*

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

Since I grow by bulk----I can order 500 5 gallon bags for $100.00
you cant beat that. Shipping is $27

I have to water every day no matter what.

Muskegon, MI(Zone 5a)

Cricket this gives me such a great idea along my driveway..its so hot and dry there and actually the sunniest part in my whole yard....thanks for sharing the pictures,,,Judy

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

yep---growing in those bags of compost manure is so neat and clean. But I also put ground cover down so I dont have to worry with weed eating and cutting my bags by accident. And I dont have to tiller.

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Ya might not have a tiller, but;
You have a strong back & a determination that puts super person to shame.........LOL No!
Bama people are so strange:

This guy lives close to you. His site deals with old paratroopers.
He's almost old as me lacking a year.

Happen to know he's a fine gardener.
He dosen't do forums nor messengers etc.

He loves gardening.
Check his site if ya want to. Find out who he is!
If ya should run accross him, ya found a friend!

You impressed this old man!
Heck, so easy said. I like and appreciate tha effort!
Many here as your self, speak with:
The quality or condition of being humble.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

*G* I love that site! We were never stationed at Fort Benning (jump school) but it's one of the closest bases to Auburn so that is where we would go to the PX etc. I can remember watching the guys jump and having several cousins who went to JS, always a blast to see.

BTW Check out the link for the Phenix City story..pretty neat story.


San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Saint
I was class 15 H&S Co at Benning 1953
Had tha pleasure of that town before marshall law. Locals had to be inside by 9PM
Check out:
Look for charles e beck on tha 1st page toward the botom. The new pic was 1998.
You can find C. J. Magro (charlie jo) on the from 1954 pg.
Should you contact or sign his guest book be sure and call him (Super Mouse)

As I mentioned, he's a gardener of long standing.
The John Boney comment in the Phenix City story was at Benning same time I was, also stationed at Ft Bragg same time.
He left NY back when & moved to Ca. There he built his home.
It is Round! The entire house is round haha only on tha outside.
He also is a gardener and has a beautiful place. Some of his is container gardening.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Charlie did you know that CJ Magro lives where I call home? I loved looking at his pictures of Wheeler Dam. Town Creek is a small town so I'm sure he knows my family or at least several friends. Thanks for showing me the site.


I loved looking at the site and I'll pass it along to my Dad, He was in the UTT (145th Combat Aviation Div) in 64/65 then the name was changed as they joined with another unit to 1st Cav. Flew until 68 when he was grounded for health reasons then we moved to Fulda, Germany (INF/CAV)

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

WOW it is a small world isn't it!
Charlie Jo will answer ya if you wanted to write and ask him about yur family. (Get the email addy from the site)

I may be the only one that calls him that. The J is for Joseph his father's name.
Tha Super Mouse got started in his old outfit while they were in Germany.
You can mention me if ya want. He knows me as charlie, jus charlie or charlie easy, haha his story!

Thanks for the "oldwarrior" site.
Regards to your Dad.................

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

update on squash----and my cucumbers are up that I sowed in the compost manure bags--I only sowed 4 seeds per bag ---will take a pic when they are up big enough to really see.

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

wonder how it will work for radishes...

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

I suppose it would do fine with root crops-----just pay attention to how hot the bags get in the sun. These squash plants help shade the bags and keeps the soil temps down.
I am going to grow Garlic in some grow bags---a mixture of 2 parts compost and 1 part peat moss. I will grow them in white bags so they dont get too hot. I eat lots of Garlic. I put fresh garlic in spagetti, chili, roast, soups, and I stuff my Pork Roast with Garlic cloves and cook on the Grill. YUmmmmmmmm. Just cut holes in roast--sprinkle salt in hole and stuff holes with garlic. Try it. I cut my roast in half so it dont take forever to cook. Takes 1-2 hours to cook on grill.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

That's sounds so good. I only have about 10 garlic going right now but I want to plant about 30 more (since it doesn't take up any space at all maybe more) I have some now that are starting to brown at the top so I hope I'm doing everything right. LOL not sure if it's starting the countdown till I have a bulb or I'm killing them *G*

Is that gas or charcoal?

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

I use charcoal. sometimes some hickory chips. Gas grill does fine too. I use to use gas but it didnt have that Old fashion Grill flavor so I went back to charcoal and chips.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

I have a smoker box so that helps. Charcoal just takes so much longer...but I've been dreaming about a wood smoker. I'd be in heaven with one of those!

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

Peppers in grow bags of 2 parts compost manure and 1 part peat moss

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden

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