Confused on Algae

Carlsbad, NM(Zone 7b)

OK, now I'm mega confused. I keep hearing that some algae is good and some is bad. I have a 120 gallon preformed pond and below the water line, there is a light coating of green all over the underwater sides of the pond. I think from what I'm reading, this is good algae??

When I pick up my water hyacinths, the fuzzy roots will have slimy looking green stuff (algae, I assume) that can be pulled off. It this the bad algae?

I'm new at this and pretty much learning as I go.


Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

Little fuzzy algae=Good
Long stringy algae=Bad

The little carpeting of furry algae is a nice covering and softens the look of the liner and the hoses. The fish also like to "graze" on it.
The long slimy strands are more likely string algae (filamentous algae) and are an unsightly pest. there are several treatments for it that have varying results. I use barley straw in my ponds as it is readily available to me in the area in which I live. If you are interested in reading more about it, try this link:

Happy Pondering,

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