Pinching coleus

Port Lavaca, TX(Zone 9a)

Today I pinched back my coleus, even though I hate to. They were looking good, about 8" tall or more. I pinched back to about the 2nd lateral leaves. Is that how much I should take off? I imediately put the cuttings in soil to root. Tonight when I did a search to find out about how drastically I should pinch I saw comments where you were talking about how tall your sun coleus got. Should they NOT be pinched back?

I go to a nursery in Victoria where they have the most luscious coleus growing in their garden, I'm determained mine are going to be just as lovely.

By the way, I fertilized with Osmecote, will that be all they need for 4 months as the bottle says?

There is probably a thread that discusses all this, but I couldn't find it. Maybe someone could point me to it if there is.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)


usually coleus does not eat alot. Osm..should do fine...I just never got into the sustained release things, I'm an ol' water as you go person...I just it makes me feel that I doing something.....

I'm a pincher-backer.....the more you pinch, the bushier they will get. I think that the sooner you start to pinch, the bushier they will be. I noticed on one that I bought yesterday, a real beauty at that, that it was originally pinched at about 2 inches high or should I say down to 2 inches...Of course I have no idea how high there were to begin with.

Victoria, watch out!!!!!


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