What's going on here? Salvia and Zinna disease/pest question

Royston, GA(Zone 7b)

I need some help. Some of my plants are doing good, but there are the select few that are developing this:

(see photos below)

They look like they are rotting in some areas. The soil is 5.5 ph, clay/topsoil mix. I feed them miracle grow once every week. But I am stumped....

Thumbnail by Magwar
Royston, GA(Zone 7b)


Thumbnail by Magwar
Austin, TX(Zone 8a)

the burn looks to be on the edges of the leaves, suggesting you are maybe overfertilizing them. i would cut back on the miracle grow to just once a month.

Royston, GA(Zone 7b)

Allright, will do. I love my little plants and don't want them to die on me =( I haven't fertilized them in...2 weeks I think? Unless they are in dire need, I won't be doing that again!

Austin, TX(Zone 8a)

yeah i went overboard with the fertilizer on my bouganvillea in the very beginning and some of the leaves looked like that. i have since cut back to once a month and am now trying organic (though it is only a personal preference, not a suggestion) and it seems to be working for me. unfortunately the leaves that are burnt will stay that way until they fall off, but we all learn somehow! :)

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