Seeds of St Josephs Lily

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Hippeastrum x johnsonii. Mine are blooming now and some blooms are already drying up.
How and when should I harvest the seeds?

THANKS for the help!!

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Help please- LOL!!

Austell, GA(Zone 7a)

What is the secret to getting them to bloom? Do they need their shoulders exposed too?

In answer to your question, shouldn't you let the pods dry out completely?


Franklin, LA(Zone 9a)

I've never gathered seeds from these, but I would think that if you just let the seed pod develop and ripen, when it dried up you could harvest the seeds. I always deadhead mine so the energy will go to the bulb, not the seeds.

As to getting them to bloom . . . Mine do not have any part of the bulb exposed.

How long have you had yours?
I know they don't like to be disturbed and have been known to pout for a year or two after moving. I got two in 2003. One bloomed last spring and both bloomed this spring. They just had to get adjusted to their new home.

Hope this helps.


Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I have had mine for about 2-3 yrs and they have been moved several times and have always bloomed. I notice that the ones in full sun seem to bloom sooner- and heavier- than the 2 I have under a tree in semi-shade. My bulbs aren't exposed either.
I would try a small bit of bloom booster fertilizer, too.

I am gonna watch the pods til they dry and break open one to see about seeds. I want to try this b/c they are so darned $$$ and I absolutely love them!

Franklin, LA(Zone 9a)

you are right about the price being high! How bizarre is that? I mean, these are a pass along plant!

I got mine from a DG friend. When they increase I will pass some along.

There is a house by the bayou about 5 miles up from me that has literally hundreds and hundreds of St. Joseph Lilies planted all around the house and yard. And crowded! When they were in bloom a couple weeks ago it was a sight to see.


Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I had been wanting these for several years and went here on DG looking for a commercial source for them.
Some dear folks told me of some sources, so I bit the bullet and ordered one- just one and it was very pricey. Sometime later, a very nice person at Dave's sent me several. The plants she sent were of much better quality- and size- than the one I bought from the pricey nursery.

That is what makes DG such a special place- folks passing on the love to someone else.

Franklin, LA(Zone 9a)

I wanted to grow St. Joseph Lilies because it's one of the few things my grandmother grew. I remember them from my childhood . . .

But I couldn't see paying those high prices for it! I wanted to remember my grandmother and my childhood when I looked at these lilies, not think of how much I paid for them! LOL!

Now, I remember all of that plus the friend who gave these to me, whenever I look at them. I really can't wait until I have enough to pass along, myself.

They sure do take their time about increasing, don't they?


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