I cannot figure out what's going on w/my cross vines! I have six of them, in full sun. Am I not watering enough? Too much? Do they need fish emul. therapy? What gives?! I need these guys to flourish!!
=/ MKJ in TX
Puny Cross Vines! What gives?
How long have they been planted? Mine didn't grow a lot the first year, but really did well the second year.
I was gonna say the same thing. First year, kind of puny. Second year, watch out. And mine seems happier with mulch on the roots to keep the roots cool.
Ok, I feel MUCH better! Planted these about 6 weeks ago........I wondered, if like MOST perennials, they were imping along, but would get better after a full season in my ground. But then the paranoia set it--they look awful! I'm SO thrilled to hear that you've both experienced this, and that they're not trying to croak on me!!
Thanks! =)
I was wondering the same thing to if it needed to have its roots kept cooler like a clematis.
:) Donna
DEFINITELY mulching those roots.......embarrassed to admit that you can actually see the tops of root balls at present. Poor things are HOT! =0 Thanks so much for the advice & encouragement; my husband was beginning to give me the "what was she thinkin'" look!
=) MKJ
Oh, my husband's going to have a fit! He just declared a few hours ago, "NO MORE plants in this bed, period!!" Guess he'll have to amend that a bit..........=)
Yippee for moi,
I agree, they like their roots shaded.