Clematis hogley hybrid

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

This one is a 3 years old. climbing up a fence pole

Thumbnail by kathy_ann

Very pretty flower Kathy Ann. The colour is very peaceful. Thanks for showing us.

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

Thank you for posting the photo is really pretty! I am expecting mine in the mail today! I think I am going to love it!

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

I plan to put HH and Etoile Violette near each other...I recieved very nice plants from Chaulk Hill here in CA.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

sounds like a neat plan, I have two of my clematis growing together, it's a really neat combination,

I just went back to the specialty nursery yesterday here whre i live andbought another one. LOL I forgot thename, real long, but it's kind of an orangish pinkish flower. got buds all over it, so I'll have to post a pic of it when they bloom

The C. Hogley hybird and C.Etoile Violette blooming together should look astounding picturelady. The colours will compliment each other very well. I'd love to see a picture.

I also have two large flowered clematis growing together - Comtesse de Bouchaud, which is a lavender-pink, and Polish Spirit which is a very deep purple. Mine are planted where people walking by can see them, and some people will stop and stare when they're in bloom.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

yeah, that' sthe one I just bought Comtesse de Bouchaud though the picture showed it as a peachy orange type flower, i'm sure it's wrong though LOL

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I have the pink 'Comtesse' with the purple 'The President' and a white one that was mislabeled but I love it, on a 10 year old Magnolia to try to imitate the colors of the Magnolia when it's not in bloom. The clematis are such special flowers and we all get so much credit for their beauty as though we are the designers instead of the caretakers!

Kathy Ann, lol, yes the CdeB is by no means a peachy orange! Yuck! And its a Group 3, so hard prune it next spring. Here's a picture of my two from last summer, and the coour is very accurate in it.

Thumbnail by
San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

Just gorgeous! It will be awhile before mine bloom I am afraid! But at least I can look at all of your photos in the meantime!

I have a magnolia tree too....keep the ideas coming please as to where else I can plant these! I just ordered my encyclopedia of clematis...and I am sure there will be many more that I will want!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Yes it is an accurate portrayal of the color. Certainly not anywhere near a peachy orange. Someone was drinking heavily when they used those words to describe it.

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