Pear didn't leaf out

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

My mom has a Bradford Pear (planted in November in a new development where they line the street) that bloomed but has not leafed out (over a month later.) All the others on the street look fine. Does this sound like something easy to fix to anybody out there? Should she go ahead now and ask for a replacement tree? She's not a gardener (can't even be bothered to water) so remedial measures aren't likely unless I try to do something on my periodic visits there.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

If she won't water a new tree, she shouldn't have one -- sort of like not feeding a new dog. But the best solution, if she does want a tree and is willing to accept a little basic responsibility, would be to ask for a replacement that is NOT a Bradford pear. Bradfords should be grown only by people who recognize the fatal structural flaws and are willing to work faithfully and properly each year to correct them with judicious pruning.

Guy S.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Guy. I agree and have tried to tell her... But watering wasn't the problem here, since we had very good natural rain/snowfall over the winter and, for the most part, the trees that are leafed out weren't being tended either. Most were not even in yards that had residents yet.

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