My first clematis...Niobe

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

I plan to put her in a container, 1/2 barrel size, maybe with an existing climbing rose (New Dawn). What do you think, would she like that OK? or in 1/2 barrel with an frame scupture. She would get morning sun and then shade for the rest of the day. I would appreciate any suggestions on potting mix needs and fertilizing and watering.
Thank-you, Margie

Thumbnail by picturelady

Your clematis is gorgeous! I just love her flowers, they're such a vibrant colour. I don't think your barrel will be big enough for both your clematis and a rose, but a framed sculpture would be wonderful for it to climb on. Clematis roots tend to be quite extensive, and they'd likely end up fighting for space in the barrel. When digging to put other plants around mine, which is only 3 years old, I find its roots up to 3' away. As long as it gets at least five hours of direct sun a day, no matter what time of day, it'll do just fine. I'll leave it to others to advise you on watering and fertilizing though, as I've never grown one in a container. Good luck!

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Margie, your Niobi is beautiful. I just got one from Parks a couple days ago. Real little guy compared to yours. How long have you had it?


San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

Christine...thank you for your advice about the roots. I didn't realize that they had an extensive root system. That helps me decide where to plant it today! I think it will look very nice on the structure, too, so I am glad it worked out that way! Actually that is what I bought it for and then read it also looks well with roses!

Jeanette...I just bought her yesterday at a local nursery. So I cannot take any credit for her looks, unfortunately! I have always liked them, but was afraid that they were too delicate to grow...but when I saw this one and the price was not too high I thought I would take a chance! I knew I could count on all you guys to lead me though.


LOL! Clematis only look delicate - they're tough as nails! You won't even need to protect the barrel for your "winter", I don't think.

Happy planting!


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Lovely. I have Niobe (also from Wayside as a little one 12 years ago) on a big white trellis and it's in the rose garden. Gave up on climbing roses.

Guess you could put it in a barrell but I wouldn't put it in with a rose. Way too much root competition - both are heavy feeders and both love the water.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

What a lovely Clematis you bought. Here is what I found about the growth habits of Niobe. Hope it helps.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

I have this one too, the blooms this second year are huge but I have find the red as your link shows Shirley isn't really quite that red. It is more of a burgundy.
Very pretty, nonetheless.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Lenjo - could it be that because the photo was taken indoors it just appears as it does? Mine is like a deep blood red - lots of burgundy in it.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

I don't know, sure, it is quite possible. But wouldn't a bright red make a beautiful clematis? I don't think such a thing exists, yet anyway.

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

OK...I got her potted up today in her container with some herbs....this photo is more true to her color.
I am wondering if I should add a second clematis...either more of the same one or one another color!? what do you think?

Thumbnail by picturelady
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

It does look very pretty but is the trellis tall enough for the clematis? Is that an annual verbena in there with her? Clem's grow wider, too, which they fail to mention when you buy them.

Two clematis would be divine - just make sure they have the same pruning requirements or you'll have big time headaches. They're heavy feeders so each one will want it's share of food. For two clematis together you'd have to have a trellis about 3 or 4 foot wide and 10 foot tall.

Good luck and enjoy!

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

Sorry to take so long to get back...I wanted to measure my trellis and have been dragging my feet doing it. It is 60" high and almost 30" wide. Another clematis I was looking at before I bought this one, said that it goes 5'...this one says 10-15'....the climbing rose is close-by, so maybe it can go and climb on it if it runs out of space!
What do you think?
The other plant in the barrel is marjoram...the herb. It filled the entire barrel, but I cut it back. I can cut it back even more if I need to. I thought I would use it in cooking, but find I really don't that much!

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