Radish in containers

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Ok this is my first year trying to grow anything and since I have terrible soil I am growing everything in contianers. So far most everything has taken but the radishes where a terrible terrible failure. 99.6 percent of them never matured we had 4 tough radishes. So has anyone ever grown radishes in a container? Any tips, hints or info to pass along?

Wasn't sure if I should post this here or in the veggie thread so I'm doing both.


Lomita, CA(Zone 10a)

I grew mine in a window box type container and they did very well. My first year for them. I used Miracle Gro potting soil and added some compost to the top layer when I had top growth. Watered with very diluted worm tea every two weeks after the tops began to get bushy. Sorry I'm not much help but I did want you to know it is possible. Could the type of soil have anything to do with it?


Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Thanks Basset but I found out that mine didn't grow well because I either couldn't read or DIDN"T read. *G* To hot to grow them here this time of year so I'm waiting till fall. Then watch out I'll have radishes by the barrel! *G*

Lomita, CA(Zone 10a)

Ah! Well, hot ain't been a problem here. Too much cool and damp early on and not enough damp lately. Perfect for early season crops and little else! Good luck!


Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

I read in the _Veg Gardener's Bible_ to mix the carrot seed with radish seed and the radishes will be ready sooner and loosen the soil for the carrots, less thinning more veggies. I did this with my container planting of 'Adelaide' and 'Little fingers' - we shall see!


Lomita, CA(Zone 10a)

Hmmm... but then I can't do the "boiling water" trick for the carrots. That never fails for me.


Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Ok, I give in. What is the boiling water trick?


Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

lol I wondered that but I already look dense sometimes cause I know zilch, was afraid to ask.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

Never watch?

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Great - now what am I supposed to be watching?!? Oh, "a watched pot never boils"

Now about those carrots?


Lomita, CA(Zone 10a)

When you sow your carrot seeds, pour boiling water over them. They germinate beautifully! As far as I know, it does not work on any other seeds.


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