First Dahlia of the season

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

this is a big deal for us!

We have dozens of Dahlia tubers planted and naturalizing over the years. This white is always the first one to show off. I will post as soon as it's opened. Hope everyone is having a surprising spring.

Thumbnail by drdon
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Oh, this dahlia looks great!
Am jealous of you CA people! Dahlias about to bloom already!
Would you happen to know the name of it?
I LOVE dahlias, so can't wait to have mine bloom.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

What do you mean a bloom, I haven't even got mine in the ground yet. Too darn wet yet. I have 130 varieties too.

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

130? Yikes!

Lenjo that's a lot of Dahlias. I just can't get enough of them either. I'm looking forward to seeing pics of your collection when they bloom. How exciting it must be to have so many.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Maybe if you do a search on photos and dahlias, you might find a few. I have posted in the past.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

I have been planting mine the past few weeks. Plus I overwinter them in raised beds and they are up about 8-12"+ already. So yeah, I can't wait for them to bloom.
I got many tubers for 25 cents a few weeks ago from an older man who has raised them for 45 years. I coudn't pass up that kind of bargain. Tho many of them are small, lots of named ones, but lots of no-name ones too.
So I had to make another bed to put these in today!
But if I had my way, I woudn't have lawn in the front and would just plant many dahlias. In the future, I may do that.
Why are you too wet still? Yes, we had a lot of rain, a record on Mon. and rain last night. But is your soil bad?
Having 130 varieties to plant would take a lot of time too.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Daisy, the ones that were left in the ground definitely are coming up. But the ones I dug and stored are waiting for me dig the holes but I will try to do what I can with a tractor, We used to have a commercial field of these but we didn't have the energy to do the marketing end of the business and our daughter and son in law weren't ready to take this on. Our main business here on the farm is caneberries, two kinds of blackberries. So I am waiting for the ground to be just right before I till it , etc.

Are you volunteering to help? LOL Do you know mgh, here at DG, she is from Albany too. She came up earlier and dug a bunch of mine. Keep in touch you never know what I might have left over. I don't want to send any out through the mail anymore.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Oh, so you are the one.
Yes, I have met Mendy.
Once when I stopped by one day awhile ago to say hi and to meet her.
And then last week, she brought over John Benoot from Belgium (DG) to see my yard.
When she came, she brought a bag of your dahlias then.
I just spent the past week getting a bed ready to plant your dahlias and put some in on Thurs. & Fri. I had to dig down 2 feet of solid construction clay so it took me a long time, 2' wide x about 30' long

Oh my goodness, small world. She said Mt. Angel, but never connected that it was you.
So hi oregon partner.
If you need help, just let me know.

My grandfather had a huge rose and dahlia garden and I always loved them. So I planted last year in this new place I got after being divorced in raised beds lots of dahlias that I had gotten for a good deal. I thoroughly enjoyed them in the house in vases and of course, in the yard all summer long!
So yes, if you ever have any extra, just let me know.
Nice to meet someone from Oregon here at DG.

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