Pear tree didn't bloom

Franklin Grove, IL(Zone 5a)

My 4 year old semi-dwarf Pear tree did not have a single blossom this year. It looks very healthy - in fact it looks better than it has since it was planted. Has anyone had experience with a fruit tree just deciding to take a year off?

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Did it bloom very heavy last year?
Fruit trees can get into a cycle called biennial bloom. One year they bloom/fruit heavily and the next year will be few to no blooms.

Until I found out about this, I was perplexed! I had 9 apples at the time and I had come to realize that one year the east half bloomed, next year the west half.

I think I saw one of the possible causes was over fertilization which probably started the 2 years I was gone and the DW was left to her own devices. She does still remind me of how big the apples were when I was gone! I think they said a rememdy was to remove blooms/fuit on the heavy year. Less stress on the resources one year leads to better production the next.

(late last night I realized I had said bi-annual. correct term is biennial)

This message was edited May 12, 2005 11:01 AM

Franklin Grove, IL(Zone 5a)

It never bloomed "heavily" but at least it had some blossoms. I think I'll treat it as a temporary thing and wait 'til next year. As I said - it really looks very healthy and the leaves have no signs of disease or stress. Thanks for the input and I'll check on how much fertilizer it's had since last summer.

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Ohhh, I just had another thought. There wasn't some hard pruning for shape last fall or early spring, was there?

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