Leaves on privit falling off help

Greenville, SC(Zone 7b)

Hello all
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my Variegated Privits(ligustrum Sinensis 'varuegatum'). They started out well this spring, but now all the leaves are falling off. The bushes are about 3 yrs old and I've never had a problem. I can not find any bugs. Thank you for any help.

Thumbnail by willowsrain
Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Have you checked for rabbit/vole girdling at the base, and borers? Pick a couple of expendable stems and slice them open lengthwise, looking for critters inside. If that's not it, there may be environmental factors involved like drought, poor drainage, improper planting depth, etc.

Guy S.

Good luck with your Ligustrum. I lost two large Ligustrums to Oak Root Fungus last Fall. They bordered the rose garden and watering the roses seemed to be the problem. The first hint was the leaves turning yellow and falling off. When I dug around the roots, there was white fungus growing. I'll miss them because they screened of an unsightly yard next door.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7b)

I have located the problem with my bushes. My neighbor sprayed herbicide near them on a breezy day. They have all come back and better than ever! (could be all the attention, water and double dose manure tea). Thank you bksmall and starhillforest.

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