Is This Jackamani?

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

Whatever it is, I like it!

This message was edited May 10, 2005 9:39 PM

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

Here is the didn't post the first time...

Thumbnail by melvatoo
Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Sure looks like mine!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 7b)

It doesn't look like mine, at all. Mine has only 4 leaves, that don't touch, and is very dark purple.

Its quite similar to my Polish Spirit, but again not as dark a purple - but that could be the light. If I could see the flower straight on, I could tell better.

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

I will see, if I can get a better picture...

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I am sorry but I have to re-tract my earlier guess.
When I answered you, mine had not bloomed yet. Now that it has, I can tell you that unless mine is mis-labeled, yours is not a jackmanii. (I wish I had a digicam!!!) My bloom only has 4 sepals whereas yours has several.
Anyway, yours is gorgeous!!

Going to eat my crow now!

Melva, I just did a close comparison, and your clematis is not a Polish Spirit either - the number and shape of the sepals is similar, but yours is definitely a lighter shade of purple, and the seed pod is much larger on yours. I'll try to do some investigation on yours.

Could be a Etoille Violet - Violet Star - here's a link to Clematis on the Web's webpage for that plant -

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

It looks alot like my new niobe...or one I am getting...sunset...(which I didn't realize looked so much like the one I just got! I guess I must like the look!...

Thumbnail by picturelady
San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

Sunset from Chalk Hill web-site....

Thumbnail by picturelady

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