Stained Glassworks TM

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Kiwi Fern Coleus

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Lava Rose
Trailing Coleus

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Tilt A Whirl Coleus

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)


Thumbnail by Lilypon
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)


Thumbnail by Lilypon
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

no name :(

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

I never used to be a huge fan of Coleus but am sure getting to like them a lot now. :)

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Hi Lily! Very nice coleus! I have the one in your first pic. Just got it yesterday and I love it. Your no-name looks like a Mosiac Kong. I love it tooooo!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Thank you Brinda :)...the first one is my fav too. I hope the second is a does have HUGE leaves compared to all the others.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I think so too! A kong. Gee what a huge selection of coleus. I wish we had a place like that around here. I am picking up a couple at each nursery. Prices sure vary too.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

I'll trade nurseries with you Kell!!!!!! ;)

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Mornin' Lilypon. Love your new Coleus!! I usually go for the bright, glitzy colored ones, but I just made a rectangular planter box with Sedona and Florida Sunset. The FLa Sunset is a soft biege yellow with markings the same color as the Sidona. It made a nice change from all the screaming color combinations I usually have. But, if you've got it..flaunt it, I always say. *grin*

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

LOLOL......I love your attitude Pati!!

Thank you I really like them too. I picked up some Black Mondo grass in BC (have never, ever seen it here) so I'm really looking forward to making some interesting containers. I'll now be watching now for Florida Sunset. :) Gotta have that to go with the rest of my Florida beauties!!

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

I'm in the process of making a small shade garden for my ferns. The summer sun moves far north here, and I lose the shade that the house throws across them in the winter. I'm filling in with round bowls of white Caladiums and it looks so cool...I'm really impressed with myself. *grin*

Anyway........the Caladiums won't last all summer, so as I pinch back my Coleus I stick the cuttings in the Caladium bowls. The plant mix can just fight it out for who's going to "own" the bowl because soon it's going to be waaay too hot for me to be out there to referee. LOL

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

I'm amazed Caladiums do well there. I had one fry here in the shade 2 summers ago....maybe the shade wasn't deep enough?

Pati I really hope you will start taking more pictures with your digital...I would LOVE to see your garden this year!!!

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Here in Plant City and Sebring, FL they have fields that cover acres and acres of every color of Caladium you can imagine. The harvest is in Oct/Nov and the big Caladium Festival is a wonder to see! I don't know how they manage to grow them in the sun because they always have to be planted in the shade. I never dig mine up to rest, so every year they just come up by themselves, bless their hearts! *smile* I can't imagine that your soil would ever be warm enough up there for Caladiums. You would have to make little wool sockies for them!! LOL

I'm working on the camera thing. It should come as no surprise that it's brand name is "That !@#$ Camera"

Check this out for a little more info on's a grower's web site in Sebring. Check out the planting instructions...see what I mean about the soil?


North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Oh, nummy, Pam. I have used most of these coleus and this year just have Sedona (so far) She gets much more depth of colour as the year progresses. More purples. I think I had it with peach osteos, Setcrasea purple heart, calibrachoa terra cotta and apricot, and Acalypha (which does not grow for me). All under a standard weeping Blue Icee Juniper. Caladia do not last long for me at all even under shade. Maybe not humid enough on the waterfront?

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Thank you so much for the link Pati......I'll be studying it later when I get off work. :) I would have never guessed that Caladiums could grow in the sun!!! I'll pay special attention to the soil requirements.

Dawn now I'm really looking forward to seeing how much my Sedona will change. Ü Will have to look up the others you listed so I'll know what you are talking about. ;) I wonder if it is high (Florida) humidity that makes the difference...the year I grew mine it was when we had the warm front from Texas and it was over 100F here for weeks in a row.

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