I'm sick of this weather

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

I hate it! First it went from winter to summer (in April) - 80's and no rain....then back to winter with snow and freezing temps (April) and now back to summer again with 80's and NO rain! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! The grass has slowed WAY down. Usually this time of year you can hardly keep up with the mowing. Some of my plants have slowed down too and some even wilt a slight bit. I want my 70 degree temp, partly cloudy and rain off and on back like usual in spring. Grrr! Problem is, when it's really hot and dry for awhile, any tiny bit of rain that comes usually doesn't even make it down to the ground atmosphere is so dry. And if it does make it, it's usually one of those teaser rains :(

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Some one else noted that if you don't like Ohio weather, wait 10 minutes and it will change.

I think we are all winter weary and waiting for those lush spring/early summer flowers. We had a hard freeze Thursday morning, now it is 80 degrees, and dry and I'm watering seedling rows.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Our weather here is pretty mild (so not quite as drastic as your in Ohio), but in January we had days in the 70s, and now it's been raining. This is crazy. I like it normal better, too. In January we were too much in disbelief to enjoy it much, but I'm ready for it now. I can't complain too much, though, because we're having a drought, so we need the rain. I'd guess our mountain snow pack is catching up to normal, though, becuase it seems like it's rained a LOT lately, now that it's time for a break and I want to go outside without getting cold and wet!

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Ok, the forecast now shows sunny and 87 for tomorrow. I'm serious, in the last 6 weeks, we've had only 1 week that had rain. The ground is getting even more hard. I'm about to scream. I can't stand this. The rest of the week it shows around 80 before finally dropping to 70's on the weekend, with only a chance of isolated T-storms. Which around here when it's been like this, means no rain :(

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

I didn't know a lack of rain ever happened in Ohio. We of course have none. It's been years since we've had what we thought were "normal" spring rains.

Today again was clouded over with the winds at 25-30 mph, meaning somewhere north of us actually got the rain. The last time it rained I stayed outside and 3 of the drops actually landed on me.

I'm so tired of the clouds without rain. I want rain out of them and so does my yard. ~Blooms

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

You guys need to come to Western Washington. Ha! Even in a draught year we've suddenly been getting LOTS of rain...

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Still no rain...still nothing promising in the next 4 or 5 days...and I'm still sick of it. :( It's WAY too dry and also too hot. Nothing in gardening aggravates me more than no rain. Especially in this area...where it's usually rather wet and lush in spring.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Sounds like our area. Sometimes we go directly to summer from winter with not much of a spring. We are supposed to get April showers for May flowers. Instead April is in the 70's and 80's and now May is 40's and 50's with tons of rain. Our seasons are all messed up.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

All the abnormals added up equal normal. All serious weather watchers know that! ;-)


Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Zap goes HAARP and zap goes the weather???? LOL

Milan, TN(Zone 7a)

We have had a dry May here in the Tennessee Valley. The grass was yellowing and gardners tomatoes showed signs of distress. Two days ago, the sky opened up and we had 2-1/2" of rain - a gentle rain, thank you God. Today it was 97 degrees in Memphis setting a new record. Weather is definitely a gamble. The only thing that saved me in May was drip irrigation. They are selling it now at Lowe's, home depot and many other places. I love it - turn on the faucet and forget it!

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Still a problem here. Rain has been so infrequent I can pretty much guess at how many times it's rained in the last 9 week. I'd say no more than about 5 days of 'good' rain have fallen. Fortunately they were spaced apart pretty well. But this is insane. The ground is hard as a rock and the temp was 90 yesterday with oppressive humidity. Try growing new/young trees in heavu clay that's dried up! It's not easy. I have to water all my new stuff. I hate this weather. We didn't even have a spring :(

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Ok, when the native rudbeckia and the WEEDS are wilting badly and it's only the first week of JUNE, it's TOO DRY! LOL Good grief I'm so aggravated.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Heck, its not even summer yet!

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

For a gardener, this is the pits. If I hear the stupid weather man on TV say one more time "It's going to be another beautiful day", I'm going to go down there and strangle him! LOL A beautitful day for me would be 70 degrees and medium showers ALL DAY LONG (for about 2 days at least).

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

I would like that. It's way too hot here. Earlier we were complaining that it was too cool. We are hard to please.

Olive Branch, MS(Zone 7b)

The temperature is in the high 90's and no rain since some time in May. I feel like I'm wilting along with everything else. The temp will drop a few degrees, the wind will blow a little bit, it will get really cloudy and thunder is audible in the distance, but NO rain here.
I feel like shutting myself up in the house and letting everything go and starting over next year.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

I know the feeling. It seems desperate at times. I am starting to think a lot of concrete and potted cactus.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

We got some rain this morning!

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)


Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Wasn't much but, cooled things down a lot. Went from 81 at daybreak to 67. Must have been a cold/cool front? Very rare for July in these parts.

Olive Branch, MS(Zone 7b)

We got rain too. It really made me feel better. Everything looks perkier today too.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

We just get hotter.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

We got more rain last night and, even as I speak. Some places got over 3"!

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

Good for you!

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

All caused by a stationary front that moves back and forth near the Red and, won't leave. My kinda weather front for July!

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