help me with shrub and tree selection in landscaping

Martin, MI(Zone 5a)

I have an area approx 5' x 16' in front on my house under a large picture window. It faces the west side so it gets the afternoon sun. I would like to put some sort of small tree, shrubs & perennials in the landscape that would provide lots of color. Does anyone have suggestions?? Thank You, Happyfoot

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

I see an Acer griseum, planted at the outside edge at one end, a couple of different spiraea, 'Goldmound' and/or thunbergii 'Mellow Yellow', a Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight', bulbs planted deeply for Spring color, and daylilies that complement or coordinate with the gold and purple colors at the front - Little Grapette (fragrant), mini Stella, Golden Compass, Daring Dilemma, or Pardon Me (fragrant). Instead of the Acer, if you want an evergreen, how about the spire of a Juniper such as Skyrocket, Sparkling Skyrocket, or Moonglow? You could also use truly dwarf conifers for the shrubs in various gold or cream-tipped varieties (try searching at the Forestfarm site for various alternatives since they have a number of interesting varieties.) If you use this alternative, maybe anchor the other end of the bed with a fragrant rose or a potted miniature rose.

Hope this helps get you started.


Martin, MI(Zone 5a)

thank you so much Michele for your response. I'm not familiar with the acer griseum, so I looked it up...very intereresting tree. I'm a little concerned about it's height, although I see it is slow growing. It sounds like it would be absolutely beautiful. Now at the opposite end of this bed I would like to curve out the landscaping and put a small tree or shrub. This selection would be close to the sidewalk leading up to the front door. Any ideas that you could give me? Marilyn

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

What's the exposure? If sunny, how about a Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Gold Thread' or 'Gold Mops'? Or a fragrant, continuously blooming shrub rose like 'Blanc Double de Coubert'? Or, if shady, a very large hosta or combination of colorful ones like 'Sum and Substance' with tiered underplantings of 'Blue Cadet' and 'Geisha'?

Martin, MI(Zone 5a)

It will get the afternoon sun. I like the idea of the continuous blooming shrub. Thanks so much for all your help.

I have another area that I'm working on under a locust tree. Last year I made a circle around the tree and edged it with
stone. I need some ideas of what I can plant there . I would like to be able to plant some perennials to fill space so I don't have to plant annuals every year. Then the area around the circle I'm digging up the sod and placing stepping stones and planting my hostas.This area is next to the drive way and turnaround and gets mostly shade and some late afternoon sun. Any ideas... as I have more space to fill up.


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