question on cobaea scandens - help!

Greenwell Springs, LA(Zone 8b)

this vine is my holy grail...i can't get these seeds to germinate to save my life...i keep reading conflicting info on the web....

i'm in 8b so its pretty hot and humid. do they do well in these conditions? do they require stratification? is it to late to plant? has anyone ever used the air stone/soak seeds in bubbling water technique (what is that called?)

can anyone help me? i've wasted a bunch of these seeds so far and i want to grow this vine very badly.

Thumbnail by twenty2libras
Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

I have grown them before, I did not use any pre-treatment, just stuck the seeds into the soil upright, like a coin in a slot.

Greenwell Springs, LA(Zone 8b)

that's what everyone keeps telling me, so from that i can deduce that i must have a brown thumb :(

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

LOL, maybe you just got bad seeds.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I have no trouble getting them to germinate, but they get to about a foot tall and then die. I'm giving up.

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

I germinated some last year in the wet paper towel in sandwich bag method. The sprouted quickly and lived on to bloom happily ever after. I was quite suprised, because I seldom have sucess with growing anything from seed started indoors. I , dumbly, thought they must be easy like a marigold or zinnia. Hope your's do well. Lou

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

I was told to plant them straight up but only half way down and not lying down . Here is a picture of one the ones I started indoors. It's growing like gangbusters!
:) Donna

Thumbnail by PerennialGirl
Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

I soaked mine in water and hydrogen peroxide for 24 hours and then planted them sideways with a bit sticking out of the soil. I had 100% germination. I had about ten seedlings. I have given away some but still have about five or six. I think you got bad seeds. These germinated very quickly. I think I have two different colors planted because some of them look different. If you want, I can grow one a bit bigger, so it can make the trip and then send you one.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3a)

20 - I can't help you with the zone question- but I did over winter it in the GH.
I stuck them in sideways- then put container in zip lock bag-bottom heat. It didn't Bloom last year- I think I pinched to often- I wanted a bushy vining plant- It looks great this year- just waiting for the blooms! Hope this helps. Joelle

Thumbnail by IMCANADIAN
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3a)

You can start Purple Bells the same way. Joelle

Thumbnail by IMCANADIAN
Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

IMCANADIAN- What a beautiful vine. I have never seen it before. Would love a start or some seeds, if you ever have any extras. I love it> Lou

Greenwell Springs, LA(Zone 8b)

whatever that is, i've got to have it! i'mcanadian, please let me know when you have seeds i'll send you what ever i have to trade :) i've got a nice car, a beautiful dog...oh yeah, my husbands really

anyway, i've tried a couple different suppliers, as far as seed goes, my next packet i have right here says livingston seed co. so i'll try them next, with the indoor baggie method.,

rylaff, i appreciate the offer. please let me know if you see anything you like on my trade list, i shall be updating it pretty soon.

thanks for all the responses guys, you've helped me out alot.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)


I didn't have trouble germinating my purple cup & saucer vine, but did have trouble with the white ones, All my purple ones germinated and 2 out of 20 whites germinated, I didn't do anything special to the seeds, and just laid them flat on the soil too. I heard all kinds of things on how to plant them too. I think I got bad seeds on the white ones, want to try again to get some more. no time is a bad time to plant these seeds LOL here's my purple. it's reached the top of the trellis and growing up the tree now, but no blooms yet.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

here's another purple one in the greenhouse. What can I say I'm in love I think like you do it's my holy grail LOL

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Greenwell Springs, LA(Zone 8b)

i'll just s it over here in louisiana andd pretend not to be jealous.


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

guess, I started somethin didn't I . LOL sorry

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3a)

Hey 20! YOu can keep your husband- but the dog sounds great!!! Just kidding-I will save seed-remind me later. Joelle

Greenwell Springs, LA(Zone 8b)

thank you...............

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