Coleus getting a long cold shower

Northern California, CA

Doesn't seem to be bothering them a bit......out checking earlier this AM for storm damage from our latest monsoon....enough already!

Thumbnail by Happenstance
Northern California, CA


Thumbnail by Happenstance

I bet your relieved. They look like they held up quite well. We had a down pour yesterday evening also. Wow 1/2 inch of rain in 30 mins. time. I was lucky I had mine under shelter.

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Candy, they look happy and really healthy. I love the glisten of the water in your pics! Really pretty!!!

Northern California, CA

Haven't checked the ones in the side yard yet, got chased back inside by more rain.....check out the "sun" in the first image.....looks like a reflection of the sun on the gazing ball, but it is actually the flash from the camera. :-)

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Amazing rain this early AM. Woke me up. It is sunny now. Do you think this is it till next November?

I love your coleus.

Northern California, CA

It started here around 4PM yesterday Kell and never stopped all night. Is this the end......maybe the end of the world!! I just can't believe it, but it really isn't that unusual I guess.

2003 this week was cold and 43F when DD and I went on a countywide garden tour with three layers of clothes, boots, gloves, hats.....stopped at Round Table mid-day to just warm up!

2004 last year this week my garden was on a garden tour and I watered about 4 times a day and prayed for the 85F to drop a few degrees before everything melted! We had two perfect days of about 75F with little or no wind.

2005 I don't care what anyone says, TURN OFF THE RAIN!! I am getting really really cranky.

Some of the little coleus cuttings look drowned, but I think they'll perk up when the rain stops.

I think I will build an ark for my plants and sail away to Papua New Guinea.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Will Bora Bora do? Here's a web cam.


Northern California, CA

Bora Bora would do just fine......let me get the ark finished here in a couple of days and I'll swing by to pick you up!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Just curious, Pati.....why on earth are you linked to a web-cam in Bora Bora? I guess it's better than Outer Mongolia............

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi Hap. I'm addicted to live web cams!!! I have a list you wouldn't believe. These cams are everywhere, some are for weather, others are for cities. and you wouldn't believe the animals. I'm watching eagles hatch and the babies being fed, and Perigrin Falcons nesting on a high rise building in Ohio. One I check every morning is Mt. St. just never know when she'll blow! LOl

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

You're too

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