worm castings

Ormond Beach, FL(Zone 9a)

Any suggestions where to buy worm castings? I wonder if you can buy them at lowes or home depot. I really don't want to buy them mail order because the shipping cost.

south portland, ME(Zone 5b)

i have purchased them from pinetree seed, which is in the watchdog's top twenty. just so happens i am going there tomorrow as i live only an hour away and i will be purchasing worm castings as well as some other well priced items. their postage is remarkably low; i think it is a flat $3.95 and $1.95 for seeds only. i highly recommend this wonderful little company and their products and seeds.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I have an order due to arrive any day now from Gardens Alive! I used the $25 coupon issued on the front of the catalog, so didn't mind the shipping cost so much.

Duncan, OK

My suggestion is find pereodicals, weekly prints and other inexpensive methods of advertising.

I Want to buy vermicast/worm castings for my garden.

You will be surprised at the calls you get. Most wormers aren't the loud business people like used car salesman. We are the quit simple people much like our vermi-herds.

Good luck in your quest for worms..

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