Time to start setting sweet taters,

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Cold spring has really set every thing back, but some of the more vigorous ones are about ready to pull and set in the tater patch.

Thumbnail by Farmerdill
Corpus Christi, TX(Zone 9a)

WHat is the best way/place to plant these? I have some growing well on my windowsill in peat pots. They are looking very healthy. Not as large as yours but they do have 3 or 4 large healthy leaves with several more baby leaves getting ready to open.

I am also not sure how sweet potatoes grow and how you harvest. Do you need to keep covering them like white potatoes?


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

No sweet potatoes are a root crop, so hilling them up like an Irish potato is not necessary. They do like a loose soil, so I plant on lists. ( a row mounded up about 4 inches high and 12 -16 inches wide, This allows the soil to warm up, drain and remain loose. They are not heavy feeders so normal garden fertilization is sufficient. I use use 5 -10-15. Keep them weed and grass free, and dig just before frost. Only pests are deer, rabbits and ocassionally the sweet potato white fly. About as care free as vegetables come.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

And good for you too!

Gainesville, FL

Planted mine last week except for the ones from Sand Hill that haven't come in yet.

What varieties is everyone planting?

The bulk of mine are Jewell and Centennial with lesser amounts of Georgia Jets, Regal, Sumor, and a couple of mysteries I got from some market taters that I'm calling Wards after the market I bought them from.


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