Sweet Potato Vine Question

Richmond, VA(Zone 7a)

I dug up all of my potatoes from my sweet potato vines from last year and stored them in sawdust over the winter. They came out good; only a couple didn't make it. My question now: do i just put them back in pots to restart them up? Do I cut them in half. I don't see any "eyes" on any of these (or any others I've ever dug up). I jusr can't see paying the outrageous prices for a potato vine when I've been able to save my old tubers.


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


I am about to start another thread about this very subject. I would suggest you just lay them on their sides and pot them up. The will sprout wherever they will and head towards the surface. http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/505797/

I have to tell you, I never started any of this from a tater. My first couple were hitch hikers in another plant that I bought and the rest were done from cuttings.

Remember this is not an eating sweet potato so I wouldn't think you would need to do the cut, toothpick in a glass thing.


Richmond, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks Molly! I'll keep my eyes peeled for some sprouts!!


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