How long can trees survive in their pkg from mail order co?

Sandy Hook, CT(Zone 6a)

I just ordered 4 sugar maples, 3 different semi-dwarf apples, and 2 Almond trees; all about 3-4' plus several other seedlings and they were shipped before our landlord called to inform us that he would not be extending the option to buy on our lease, or the lease, which he had previously verbally agreed to.

We won't be settled into new digs until early June and I refuse to spend the energy planting them here when I should be packing for the move. The property we're looking at is already plenty wooded so I'm not worried about giving away the sugar maples and other seedlings but I'd like to try to hang on to the orchard trees. Is it possible/worth the effort? Or should I just give them away as well and think of it as a good "karma" type of thing?

Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

Pot 'em up! that should hold them until you decide what to do with them.

Sandy Hook, CT(Zone 6a)

Thank you! Don't know why I didn't think of that...LOL

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