Worms and Vermiculture

Duncan, OK

I've been reading the posts and find a near absence of posts concerning worms. Maybe I haven't found the correct forum yet.

I have been raising worms for about 7 years. I am finally, this year, able to harvest enough vermicompost to put in something other than house plants. I feed them mostly shredded paper and dried leaves and table scraps. I use the castings in the garden full strength and my plants do fine. At one point I fed only composted horse manure and the vermicompost/castings made short work of the plants. They turned yellow and died. Point being, the feed stock makes all the difference on the potiency of nitrogen in the castings. Vermiculture 'IS' the organic way..

How many wormers are there here @ Dave's Garden?

Palmer, AK(Zone 2a)

Hello Bizy,

Greetings from a fellow wormer! I've had my earthworms since 1996. (I raised them from babies). I was squeemish at first, but now I am rather attached to them. I started out with a small Rubbermaid container and now I use a Can-O-Worms. (I really could use a second Can-O-Worms--I'm thinking of trying one of the square ones next time). In my first year, I put 80 pounds of kitchen waste into the worm bin. I do much more now, but I don't bother keeping a record.

I'm fairly new to Dave's Garden, but I agree with you that there aren't many posts about vermicomposting. Or if there are, I haven't found them yet.

It will be interesting to find out how many wormers are here. I'm betting there are a bunch of us!

surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

I'm another wormer (is that what we are called?) I have had my can of worms for 5 years and need another one too.

Methuen, MA(Zone 6a)

A Coposting Forum was discussed, http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/491659/ and the decision was to combine it with the Soil Forum, http://davesgarden.com/forums/f/soil/

Did you try the search feature here at DavesGarden? I found the following threads..........


Using vermiculture. You could try other words & see who's around.

Hope this helps,

Thumbnail by NEChileMan
Windermere, FL(Zone 9b)

I'm a "newbie wormer". My husband got me a Can O Worms at the county fair in February. I love it! Very low maintenance. My worms are now on the second level and I'm considering getting a bigger set up for more production. Margaret

Palmer, AK(Zone 2a)

NEChileMan...Thanks for posting those threads!

Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6b)

I bought a worm farm...actually accidentially got 2 of Ebay if anyone is interested in taking the second one let me know... They are fairly dormant now but as it is warming up they seem more and more excited to work. I have been learning to balance the brown and green in there as to not make smells but it has been something I have not paid enough attention to as of yet... They seem fairly happy none the less...


Windermere, FL(Zone 9b)

Drew, When we got our Can O Worms we were given a big bag of Zeolite. It's supposed to keep the ph balanced. I sprinkle a little on every week when I add veggie scraps, etc. and I've not had any bad smells. I'm in a much warmer climate so the worms are very active, but I never worry about balancing brown and green. The one tip I was told about the food is that the worms don't care for citrus or onions. I can't prove it one way or the other, I just don't put any in the bin. Margaret

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

for those who were asking about a forum, go to the Daves Garden forum, that's where the counting is.


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